We will decided that we were going to go out tonight and drive around. Me Lilly and andy all changed so we could go for a walk around their neighborhood. Me and Lilly threw our hair up and wore shorts and a tank top. Andy wore joggers and no shirt he did look got though. We all had water bottles and our earbuds and phones. Andy and me and Lilly walked because I didn't want to run after last night's activities lmaooo. Me and Lilly walked Andy jogged a little and said hey lacey catch up babe. I yelled SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ASSHOLE. Andy started laughing his ass off because he knew I couldn't run because of last night. I woke up and my thighs were really sore from last night. So me and Lilly decided to walk because I also fucking hate running. Andy stopped jogging and waited for us to catch up. I said oh your so sweet for waiting on us and he started laughing and said well I mean yall kinda slow anyway. I playfully slapped his arm and said fuck you and laughed. Lilly said wow thanks love u too dad and started laughing as well. He said I love you guys we both smiled and said love you too. We all took a drink and I started laughing and spit mine out or I would have chocked. Lilly said what the fuck lacey why would you do that and I started laughing. Andy was like are you ok I closed my water and sat it down and almost died from laughing. They said what's so funny I said because we all just started drinking water at the same time. Lilly started laughing and said oh yea lmao that is really funny. I said did u guys want me to choke or spit it out. They both said spit it out in sync. Me and Lilly looked at each other and started laughing. I said that's what she said andy started laughing and then he walked away and sighed. After we finished laughing I wiped my eyes and took a drink of water and we kept walking. We walked for 30 minutes we turned around to walk toward the house and I groaned fuckkkk. Andy turned around and said what's wrong I said I can't walk anymore and made a sad face. He walked up to me and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his stomach and I held my phone and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was completely drenched in sweat I said eww. He said wat and laughed I said your like really wet. He laughed and said so are you and he stopped and said shit that cane out wrong. We all started laughing and I said oh my God andy said not in that way yall weirdos. I started laughing even though me and Andy had sex last night. We got back to the house 30 minutes later and we all were like yessss fucking airrr and we all laughed. Andy put me down and Lilly locked the house we all took our shoes off. I went upstairs to put my earbuds down and charge my phone. Andy went upstairs to take a shower and Lilly walked into my room and said hey lacey and smiled. I said what's up Lills she said my dad is in the shower and I said yea and. She said you should join him in the shower my eyes went wide and I said huh. She laughed and said what I don't care plus he's like a happy horny child around you and I started laughing and so did she. We both took our hair down and brushed it. I laughed and said you won't be mad she said no bitch go and we both laughed. I got my clothes and went to andys room immediately while bitting my lip. I opened his door and walked in and locked his bedroom door and went into his bathroom he was listening to music. I put my clothes down and he peeked out the shower and smiled and said oh hey lacey wat are u doing. I looked at him and smiled he turned his head to the side confused. I walked over to him and pulled him close and kissed him and he pulled me closer and I moaned slightly into the kiss and he smiled. He said you gonna join me I said yea Lilly told me too. He smiled and said ok take off your clothes and jump in. And I started laughing and said ok got it and we both smiled and he closed the shower curtain. I took off my clothes and climbed on the shower and ran my hand down his back his head rolled back and said fuckkk lacey and I smiled. He turned around and shoved me slightly against the wall and started attacking my lips and I instantly gripped his back and he hoisted me up and I wrapped my legs around him and we both moaned slightly against each other's lips. He pulled back and rested his head against mine and said I love you lacey I smiled and said I love you too Andrew and he smiled. I ran my fingers through his hair he said last night was fucking amazing I smiled and said yea it was. He said don't worry I won't tell anyone I smiled and said thanks he said no of course. We both kissed a little more and then andy put me down and we finished our shower. I said you have a good taste in music he laughed and said thanks I have been listening to a lot more of The 1975. I smiled he said oh yea im also obsessed with the song Robbers by them. I instantly smiled and showed him my arm his eyes lit up and he smiled and said no way I said yep. I said yea I'm also literally fucking obsessed with that song as well and we both laughed and smiled. Andy kissed my head and held me close to his chest and I rested my head against his chest and smiled and so did andy.

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