I woke up to the sun shining really bright in my room. I groaned fuckkkk and rolled over and layed on my stomach and fell asleep. My mom came in my room and told me to get up and I said ughhhh ok and she left. I didn't want to get up what so ever I was really comfortable in my bed but I knew I had to get up for the day. I rolled over and got up I put on some music to wake me up for the day. It helped to wake me up a lot for the day. I did a little bit of makeup and put shorts on and a black veil brides shirt and my vans. I also put my hair in a bun I grabbed my shit and went downstairs. I got downstairs and put my stuff down and used the restroom and waited for Lilly to come get me. My mom kept talking to me but I was way too tired to even think straight about anything at all. We had a boring day at School we had to take tests today I hope Acd them. We also had gym today which sucked ass. Lilly came hung out at my house for a while after school. We talked about guys at our school and just laughed about random things. Her dad called to check up on her. She told him she was at my house and he said ok be careful and we both smiled and said ok. Lilly left a little while later I ate dinner and just chilled in my room and watched Netflix by myself. It was kinda nice because I got really comfortable in my bed and I soon fell asleep right after I got comfortable in my bed. I turned off my TV before I fell asleep for the night.

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