My alarm went off and I groaned in pain. I got up and turned my alarm off and took medicine and drank some water. I grabbed my phone and went to the bathroom and got ready. I came in my room so I could finish getting ready for the day. My period was still bad. I'm just happy it only last 4 days so I don't feel like I want to fucking kill everyone in my way. I finished getting ready and went downstairs and waited for andy to come pick me up. A little bit later andy came and picked me up and we drove to school. Lilly said don't talk to me dad I'm not in the mood and she groaned. I was like wat happened andy said I don't know her fucking hormones are crazy I laughed and said yep that's how it be sometimes. We all drove  and it was a really quite car ride to school and I hated that but it was also nice and peaceful. We got out of the car and Lilly said literally fuck everyone here. I started laughing and said damn girl you need to calm down and she said no I'm not in the mood for some one to fick with me. I held her hand and she calmed down slightly till someone looked at her. Lilly said the fuck you staring at I said Lilly Biersack I grabbed her face and said stop you need to calm down. Lilly  groaned fuckkkk and rolled her eyes. I said don't you roll your damn eyes at me and Lilly looked at me and said and what are you going to do lacey. I laughed and said oh babe there's a lot of things but I'm not going to name them. She scoffed and said yea sure there is. I groaned fuckkkk and I turned around and walked away or I was gonna fucking slap her. I heard Lilly say lacey wait up but I didn't care.  I walked into class and sat down Lilly stood in front of my desk and said lacey I'm out of breathe. I said good at least you finally got exercise and I laughed. And I felt a sting on my face. Lilly fucking slapped me and I held my face and said you bitch. My teacher said Lilly and lacey office now. We got up and walked to the office after everyone came in class I held my face the whole way to the principles office. Lilly kept saying I'm so sorry lacey I didn't mean to do that my hand just slipped. I said yea sure I totally understand and rolled my eyes. I let go of my face and said I just can't believe you fucking hit me Lilly said I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. We walked into the principle office. He said good morning Lilly Biersack and lacey Morgan and he saw my face and said oh sit down you too. Me and Lilly both had after school detention. I was so mad at Lilly the principle called both of our parents andy was pissedd. My mom was upset and said well is lacey ok the principle said yes Ms. Morgan she is ok. She said do I need to come get her. The principle said lacey do you want your mom to come get you. I said don't I have after school detention. He said no I only meant that for Ms Biersack I said then yes. He said ok I will let all your teachers know and I said ok. My mom said I will come get her and he said ok. He said Lilly and for you go back to  class I got my bag and waited in the office with an ice pack on my face. A very worried andy walked in and saw me I looked up and said oh shit. Andy  said your mom told me to go with her and I looked down. Andy leaned over and I felt him lift my face and move the I ce pack in the corner of my eye I saw him clench his jaw. Andy sighed and put the ice pack back he said what is lillys punishment. The principle said one day after school detention. Andy smiled and said make her feel like she is in hell. The principle nodded his head I threw the ice pack away and wiped my face and said bye. The principle said I told all your teachers I said thank you and walked out.

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