I woke up to the sound of thunder I groaned fuckkkk. I woke up and it was storming outside. I checked my phone it said 2 am I groaned fuckkkk really right now. I put my phone down and rolled over and listened to the sound of loud thunder I jumped a couple times. I rolled back over and stared out the window and said fucking really. I grabbed my phone and unplugged it and called andy. Andy answered he groaned fuckkkk babe you know what time it is. I said yea in a small voice andy said hey babe what's wrong. I said it's raining really hard and I get bad anxiety. Andy said hey its ok just calm down alright. I said ok andy said I love you lacey I said I love you too Andrew and I started smiling. Me and Andy talked while it was storming and andy really helped calm me down the whole time. I finally fell back asleep and told Andy I love you and bye. Andy said I love you too lacey and good night. I plugged my phone in and fell back asleep. It only felt like a couple minutes later and my mom walked into my room and said get up lacey it's time for school. I groaned fuckkkk its only Tuesday I rolled my eyes and got up. My mom walked out and closed my door and went back downstairs. I turned off my lamp and turned on some music to wake up. I climbed out of bed and grabbed my phone and went to the restroom. After I used the restroom I walked into my room I put on a black shirt and some leggings and put my hair in a messy bun and did a little makeup. I sprayed some body spray on and turned my music off and grabbed my ear buds. I said fuck it and took my hair down I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I got downstairs and put my bag down and put my shoes on I used the restroom one more time. I sat on the couch and waited for andy I plugged my earbuds into my phone. Lilly texted me they were here and I got up and grabbed my phone and my bag. I told everyone love you and good bye and headed out of the door and closed it.

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