I woke up at 1 am to the sound of a thunder storm. I groaned fuckkkk really I hateee rain it really freaks me out all the time. It was raining really hard so I put my head under my pillow so I wouldn't hear it. My bed I'd against my wall so I just get really comfortable beside my wall so I don't fall out of my bed in the middle of the night. I put on some music to help calm me down but the thunder was so loud I kept jumping every time I tried to fall asleep. I tried to force myself to go to sleep but it didn't work. A little while later I gave up and fell asleep even though it was storming really bad outside I finally fell asleep for the night. I woke up at around 6 am my mom came in and said I think they are canceling schools today. I rolled over and said why she said because it is flooding really bad due to the weather I said ok. She said your dad isn't going to work because of the flooding I said ok. She said I'm gonna call your school and check I said ok and she left. I got up just I'm case I had to go. My mom said yes they canceled schools today due to flooding. I immediately called Lilly and told her. She said ok cool im going go back to sleep. I laughed and said same. I said since I'm not going to school I'm going back to sleep my mom said ok that sounds good. I slept in for a little while longer. I woke up in a better mood because I got sleep. Everyone was downstairs hanging out.  I got food and ate it and then hung out with my family for a little while. I then went back into my room for the rest of the day. We had a layed back day and I enjoyed it a lot. Everyone went to bed at 9 pm. I texted Andy for a while and he laughed and said so school was canceled today I said yep pretty much. We both fell asleep at 10 pm I didn't want to go to school tomorrow 🙄🙄 school how fun I think not honestly.

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