Lillys alarm went off and I woke up and groaned fuckkkk. She woke up and said good morning lacey I said noooo out loud. Andy walked in and said is everything ok I said I don't want to get up and he laughed and said sameee and closed the door and walked away. Lilly got up and turned the lights on and I said nooo you bitchhhh I'm tired and she started laughing and went to the bathroom and I forced myself to wake up and I didn't want to. I got up out of lillys bed and went to the bathroom and came out and changed. I grabbed my charger and put it in my bag and grabbed my other stuff. Andy came back in the room after we changed he grabbed my sleep over bag and I grabbed my back pack and we all went outside. Lilly unlocked the car and andy gave me my bag when I got in the car. He said love you guys we said love u back and he gave us hugs. He leaned in my ear and whispered last night was fucking amazing and I won't tell anyone and he kissed my cheek and I said same and ye and he closed the door and went back inside. We got to school and did school shit.
Fast forward:
I got home and unpacked my bags all my step siblings said we missed you sis. I said yea and rolled my eyes in my room and they left. I locked my door and finished putting my stuff up and took a shower and then went downstairs for food. I got in my room and just chilled on my phone for the rest of the evening. I listened to music and read fanfiction and then charged my phone and fell asleep at around 11 pm. I texted andy and Lilly and told them good night and love you.

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