I rested my head on my arms. I looked out the window and smiled. I felt that freedom again and it was amazing. I loved feeling care free for once and not have to worry about reality. I finally have my escape from reality and I wanna savor every single moment of it. Andy kept looking at me and smiling. I turned my head and said Andy I love you andy said I love you so fucking much lacey. I smiled and bit my lip Lilly and Cc were in the back and said awwwwwww. Me and Andy started laughing I said oh my God. Cc said I bet they are soooo going to get married Lilly laughed and said yea I hope so. Andy grabbed my hand and kissed it I smiled. Andy said sooo I'm going on tour next month my heart dropped and my throat went dry. I chocked out what Andy said next month Don't worry it's gonna be ok I felt like I was going to throw up. Andy grabbed my hand and said babe I'm leaving in a month relax. I looked at andy with tears in my eyes andy said hey hey no babe don't cry plz we were almost to the beach. Andy said just relax and enjoy the weather ok I said ok in a weak voice. I knew andy would have to go on tour eventually I just didn't expect it so suddenly. Andy was gonna be gone for 6 months I'm not ready or excited. I did as andy said and enjoyed the breeze I let the wind hit my face and it felt really nice and listening to music. I enjoyed driving down the highway at night it was more fun and carefree. We finally got to the beach Lilly and Cc got out and walked to the beach me and Andy stayed in the car. Andy said lacey we need to talk I shook my head and said yea we do. I turned towards andy and he did the same thing. Andy lifted my head up and said we still have a month ok I shook my head and said yea andy said I'm leaving in a month. I sighed and said I know andy said I'm really going to fucking miss you I said me too Andy. Andy kissed me and wrapped his hand around my waist and started to deepen the kiss. I grabbed his chin and pulled him closer. Andy moaned slightly into the kiss and it turned me on a little. I pulled back and andy had a sad face I said do you wanna have sex when we get home. Andy bit his lip and smiled and said fuckkk yes I laughed and said ok. Andy said we will face time all the time I said good and andy also said I promise I will never cheat on you. I said good or your daughter will cut your dick off. Andy laughed and said I know she has told me many times I laughed and said good. Me and Andy finally got out the car andy locked the doors after he rolled up the windows and closed the sun roof. I jumped on andys back and we walked along the beach I put my head on his shoulder and sighed. I said I'm really gonna fucking miss you Andrew he sighed and said me too babe. Lilly and Cc ran over to us laughing I just kept my head on andys shoulder. Lilly and Cc took a couple of of us and we also took a group picture as well. An hour later we all finally decided to leave the beach I kept telling myself not to think about andy leaving and it worked.

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