After our so called "family meeting" lmao we all argued about plans for today. We said we could just hang out here for a while and figure something out. Well we ended up staying inside for a couple hours. Andy got up and said alright no more TV and Lilly said hey u ass I was watching that and he slapped her thigh and she said ow. I said if we were watching Twilight I would have fucking shot you she said uh huh honestly same and we laughed. He said ok anyway we need to go outside I said ew thats gross. She said oh I agree with you completely on that statement and we both laughed. He said no arguments we are going outside and that's final we both groaned fuckkkk. Andy and Cc started laughing because they thought we were being funny. We all got up and went outside andy brought his cigarettes of course and his lighter. We all walked outside and andy closed the door him and Cc just chilled on the porch. Lilly turned on her Spotify so we could listen to music and all hang out. Some guys were walking past our house and looked at me and Lilly and whistled and winked at us. We looked at each other and just said ummm ok weird and laughed and looked at andy and Cc. Andy was giving them a death glare while holding an unlit cigarette between his fingers. Cc was giving them a death glare ad well we looked at each other and said damn they look like guard dogs and we laughed. Andy and Cc looked back at us and continued their conversation with each other. I looked at andy and he lit his cigarette and took a drag and blew it out and looked directly at me and winked and I turned my head really quickly and he laughed. Me and Lilly talked and jammed out to music I put my hair up and so did Lilly. We both tried to do back flips and cartwheels and we both laughed at each other for our stupidity. The guys started laughing at us as well. I looked at andy and he smiled at me and blew out some smoke. He looked really hot while doing it and it drove me crazy. Me and Lilly talked about our plans of what we were going to do later. We decided to do more skin care and talked about taking a bath when we both went inside. We looked and the same guys kept staring at us apparently they lived across from Lilly and they both started playing basketball and laughing at each other. We looked at each other and rolled our eyes slightly and said great. Andy walked down off the porch and so did Cc. Andy said so what are you guys planning on doing today. I said taking a bath and doing a spa day he said ok that sounds like fun I said yea it does. We started laughing and looked over at the guys who were now obviously staring at us but we didn't care at all.

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