I woke up and groaned fuckkkk against andys neck. I felt a really bad cramp and I said fuckkk and got up. I grabbed a pad out of my bag and went to the restroom. I put a pad on and wiped and I started my period I groaned fuckkkk really now its 1 in the fucking morning. I got up and put my period in my calendar. I layed back down next to andy and fell asleep. A couple minutes later I woke up and almost screamed. I accidentally hit andys arm really hard and I started groaning fuckkkkkk. Andy woke up and said hey babe wats wrong I couldn't talk I was in so much pain. Andy immediately got up and went look for medicine downstairs and get water and a heating pad. Andy came upstairs with every thing. Andy handed me the medicine and water and he plugged in the heating pad I took the medicine and drank some water. Andy stood up and turned on the heating pad. I said sorry for hitting you andy said no I immediately knew when you weren't responding you were in too much pain I said yea. I Layed down and andy put the heating pad on my stomach and layed back down beside me. I was still in a shit load of pain I said I love you andy and he said I love you more lacey and he kissed my neck and I smiled. Andy stayed up with me and talked to me while I was in a lot of pain the heating pad and medicine started working an hour later but I didn't want to tell him that. Me and Andy stayed up and had a deep conversation I told him about my life before I met him and Lilly. I told Andy how my dad was very mentally and emotionally abusive and he said wow I can't fucking believe that I said I know right. I also opened up to andy about all my traumatic family shit and told him how crazy my family is he was shook. I laughed and I said andy can I tell you something ansy said yea sure and I said ok promise not to tell anyone I said ok. I opened up to andy about my traumatic child hood and how I was suicidal growing up and how his band has really helped me. Andy said wow I literally cannot believe that happened to you I said yea and I felt better and I told Andy I felt better telling him that and he said good. Andy said if you need anything or anyone to talk to I don't care what time it is call me ok and I said ok. I said I love u and andy said I love u too. I said so you still want to be with me andy smiled and said yes I do still want to be with you and I smiled. Andy said thank you babe for opening up to me I said I feel safe around you and I trust you andy said good I'm really happy about that. A little while later andy turned off the heating pad and layed down I got cuddled up against andy.

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