Andy kept his hand on my back as we walked over to the car. Andy opened my car door and I got inside. Andy leaned over and put my back pack on the floor. I looked at him and he looked back up at me and smiled. I put my hand on his face and pulled him closer and kissed him. Andy pulled back and said I love you lacey. I said I love you more Andy and we both smiled at each other. Andy got out and stood up and closed the door and walked over to the drivers side. Lilly said good morning bestie how did you sleep. Andy got in and closed the door I said I woke up at 4:30 for no fucking reason and I'm tired now. Lilly started laughing andy said damn I woke up 3 am. I said why Andy said honestly I don't know its weird I said same Andy shook his head in agreement with me. Andy backed out of the driveway and we listened to The 1975 on the way to school and I was really happy about that. My song Robbers came on and I started singing the song and andy smiled the whole time and said get it babe. I started laughing and smiling the whole time. I showed Andy that song and now him and Lilly are both obsessed with it lmao. Andy sung a little bit of the song with me that made me smile a little. I showed both Lilly and andy the band The 1975 and now they both like it and I'm really happy about it because I love them very much. We drove to school with the windows cracked down a little bit. The breeze did feel really good my face looked back to normal I'm really happy about it. We got to school safely Andy dropped us off. Andy said I hope both of you have an amazing day at school. I laughed and said babe its literally school Andy laughed and said oh wait true. Me and Lilly walked into the school building. Me and Lilly both groaned fuckkkk at the same time we did not want to be here at all. School went by kinda fast today and we were really happy about that. Me and Lilly hung outside with one of our friends while waiting for andy to come get us. We all talked and laughed I turned my head a little and saw andy get out of the car so I bit my lip. I sneakily walked away from my friends and walked over to andy smiling. Andy bit his lip and pulled me close and kissed me. I smiled and said I missed you andy. Andy laughed and smiled and said me too babe.

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