Andy walked over to the driver's side and climbed in and closed the door. We all put our seat belts on and andy started the car and locked the doors. Andy rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof. Me and Lilly started laughing and smiling and so did andy. Andy started driving out of the school parking lot. I plugged the aux cord into my phone and turned down the radio a little so it wouldn't scare Andy. I put on my Spotify Playlist and we started jamming out. Andy turned up the radio a little when we got to a stop sign. Andy said we are going to be taking the long way home and me and Lilly smiled and said ok. Andy started laughing and smiling as well. Andy put on his sunglasses and smiled at us and my face went red and I looked out the window. Lilly said damn dad you look good and laughed. Andy said thanks babe Lilly said of course and smiled. I kept looking out the window trying not to laugh for no reason. Andy started driving and the breeze felt really nice. It was a bright and sunny day today so that was really nice for us. Andy said the sun looked really good against my skin and I smiled and said thanks. Andy called me his sun kissed goddess and I smiled and laughed. Me and Lillys hair was blowing in the wind the whole way home. Me Andy and Lilly all really enjoyed the breeze. I layed my head against the seat I closed my eyes and let the sun hit my skin. The sun was really warm and felt really nice. I opened my eye a little and saw andy kept staring at me and biting his lip and kept looking back at the road. I opened my eyes and I moved my hand and started rubbing the back of his hair and andy really enjoyed that. Andy started smiling I said do you like that Andy laughed and said yea it feels really nice. I moved my hand and rubbed my knuckle against his face. I said andy you have facial hair he said I know I really need to shave it. Lilly said awwww his wittle scruffy face. I laughed and andy rolled his eyes and laughed. I said babe you look really good with facial hair. Andy said nah Ima shave it I laughed and said ok. We got to my house 30 minutes later. Andy insisted on walking me to the front door which he never does. I said are you ok Andy you never walk me to my front door. Andy said yea I'm ok he also said I should be a better boyfriend and walk  you to the door. I rolled my eyes and stood in front of him and pulled his face close to mine. I said Andrew Dennis Biersack you are an amazing boyfriend he smiled. I said you don't have to walk me to my door but if you want to I don't mind. I also said I don't ever want you to say you should be a better boyfriend. Andy said ok I love you I said I love you too. Andy leaned his face closer to mine and kissed me. I put my hand on his shoulder and he grabbed my hip to pull me closer. I smiled and gave him a hug and he held me tight. I let got and turned around and kept walking to my front door. I knocked on the door and my brother answered it and said hi sis I said hey. I turned around and told Andy bye Andy said bye back and said I'm gonna head home I said ok bye and walked inside and closed the door. A couple seconds later I heard him drive off and I smiled like crazy and went to my room. I charged my phone and went to the bathroom and changed in my room. I went downstairs to eat dinner and hang out with my family. We all hung out in the kitchen and ate dinner and laughed a lot. I smiled and bit my lip I said I have something to say. Everyone stopped and looked at me my brother said are you pregnant. I hit him and said no wat the fuck and laughed. I said no I just feel like we are all Finally a family and I feel like haply I don't fucking know. I said I just feel like we are one happy family my mom started crying. I said oh my God mom really she said no I'm happy you feel that way I said yea I do. We all hung out for a while then I went into my bedroom. I grabbed my phone then went downstairs after I used the restroom. We all hung out for a while and watched a movie. We all went back upstairs for the night. I plugged my phone in and turned my fan on and sprayed body spray on before I fell asleep. After I got into my bed and got comfy I fell asleep for the night.

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