We finally made it to the mall after driving for a whole. We got to the mall and parked andy rolled up the windows and closed the sun roof. We all got out of the car and closed the doors. Andy locked the doors and we started walking towards the mall. Me and Lilly held hands while walking to the entrance of the mall. Andy opened the door and me and Lilly walked in and stared walking andy and Cc were behind us. Me and Lilly were trying to get into the main part of the mall. A couple minutes later we got into the main part of the mall. I texted my mom and said where are you guys she said food court upstairs I said ok. I said they are upstairs in the food court andy said ok let's go and we all started walking. We all walked to an elevator and waited for it the door opened and people walked out then we all walked in and pressed the number. A couple seconds later we got to the 2nd story and walked out of the elevator and to the food court to look for my family. Lilly found my family and we all walked over to them. Me and Andy were holding hands and laughing Cc and Lilly were being funny and weird. We all walked over to my family and said hey they were all really excited to see me and I smiled and waved and said hey guys. My mom said we really miss you by the way I said nice. I said yea I miss you guys as well. My mom said you are coming home Sunday because you have school Monday. I sighed and said yea I know mom don't remind me she laughed and said ok. I looked at andy and he looked at me and gave me a tight smile. Andy said yea im gonna miss you next week I laughed and said are you still bringing me to school andy laughed and said uh hell yea dude I laughed and so did andy. I said I love you andy said I love you more lacey. We all started walking around the mall together. We all walked into a bunch of different stores I was excited obviously Lilly started laughing at me. We went into one store me and Lilly walked away from every one else and went to go look around andy didn't mind because he had his eyes on us the whole time. It was a little creepy but also really funny a worker asked if we needed help and me and Lilly said no and smiled and he walked away. Lilly laughed and said that guy likes you I laughed and rolled my eyes I said no calm down Lilly said ok and continued looking at stuff. A little while later me and Lilly walked back to everyone else. I kissed Andy and smiled andy said I love you so much lacey I smiled and said I love you too Andrew. We all walked out the store a little while later and continued walking. We all  walked around the mall for around 2 hours. Andy said is anyone hungry I can pay for dinner my parents said ok sure. We all walked out of the mall and walked to the car. Andy unlocked the car and we all climbed in I plugged in the aux cord and buckled up my mom texted me where we were going. Andy got in and closed and locked the doors I told Andy where we were going and he said ok and kissed me. Andy turned on the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and we started driving and jamming out to music. The weather was really pretty we ended up driving to Texas Roadhouse. We got there and all jumped out of the car and andy locked the car. We walked inside and went to go find my parents and sit down. We found my parents and sat down with them me and Lilly laughed. Andy started talking to my parents and so did Cc. Me and Lilly looked at each other and said um ok and laughed. Me and Lilly ordered food to go our parents didn't mind so it was ok. Andy immediately said he was paying and end of discussion and we all laughed. An hour later the food finally got here andy and my parents had a whole ass conversation and me and Lilly just looked at each other like wtf ok. Everyone ate and me and Lilly started feeling really sad and we looked at each other and said your sad as well I said yea. Me and Lilly both knew why each other was upset. Me and Lilly ended up zoning out andy andy snapped at us and said yall ok we shook our heads and said yea sorry. The bill got to the table an hour later and andy payed me and Lilly both got our food. We checked the time and it said 7 pm I said damn and the waitress took andys money and walked away to get the change. Andy and my parents continued talking about what ever.

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