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Me and Andy got into his room and I jumped on the bed and laughed so did andy. I turned on the lamp and andy turned off the light and turned on the fan. Andy and I used the restroom then got back in bed and cuddled. I said I love you andy. Andy said I love you more lacey and I smiled and he turned on the TV and found a movie and we watched it. I said so do you wanna sneak out later andy smiled and said hellll yea and I laughed and said ok sounds like a plan and andy and I both laughed. I was wearing andys shirts and black shorts and comfy socks. My Batman plushie was behind me andy sprayed it in cologne. Andy also bought me a cologne the one he always uses. He did it so when I miss him I could just spray it on me. Andy also put a couple of his shirts in my bag and he gave me his leather jacket and I smiled like crazy and he sprayed it and I kept thanking him but he kept saying no I love you and I would just laugh and say ok. Me and Andy chilled in bed and waited for Lilly and Cc to fall asleep which is really funny. Me and Andy started playing footsie and started laughing and I said shh and andy put his head against mine and smiled and said God I love you I said me too and smiled. Lilly knocked on the door and andy immediately turned off the TV and pretended to fall asleep and I started laughing my ass off Lilly walked in and said what's so funny Cc walked in laughing because I was laughingm andy sat up and started laughing at me because I sounded like a famn hyena Lilly started laughing as well. I said so me and Andy are going to sneak out Lilly and Cc said ohhhh damn yall little rebels and andy said wow. Lilly and Cc said yall can sneak out we don't care and I looked at andy and he got up and said ok let's go and he smiled like crazy. I got up and grabbed my phone and andy grabbed his phone keys and wallet and said you ready I said holsld on and used the restroom then walked out and said ready. Andy used the restroom and I walked downstairs and I waited for andy while I put my shoes on. I waited downstairs for andy Lilly and Cc chilled downstairs and said they would wait for us and I said ok love you guys they said love you too and I smiled. Andy finally walked downstairs and put on his shoes and said ok you ready I smiled and said yea and laughed andy said ok let's go. I walked over to andy and lifted my arms andy laughed and hoisted me up and we walked outside Lilly locked the front door. Andy unlocked the car and he put me down on the passenger side I kissed Andy and smiled. I let go and andy opened my door and I climbed in andy closed my door and walked to the driver's side. I plugged the aux cord into my phone and waited for andy he closed his door and locked the car. Andy turned on the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and I smiled and looked for music while andy backed out of the driveway I decided to put on System of a Down. Andy was like oh hell yea I love them I said dude literally same and me and Andy both laughed. Me and Andy started jamming out as soo as we hit the highway the breeze felt sooo amazing it was a really beautiful night. The moon was really pretty there were a lot of stars out. I started smiling and I felt free and I had that adrenaline rush again me and Andy were both laughing and smiling the whole time. The wind was blowing in me and andys hair I felt sooo happy right now I just knew I was going to miss andy so much when he left but I was not thinking about that right now. I needed to savor every moment and second I had with andy and I was and it was worth every second I could spend with him. It felt really cool out and I really liked the weather andy also really enjoyed the weather as well. We held hands and laughed while driving down the highway no one was really out which was really nice because it felt more romantic. I put on Rebel Love Song and andy started singing and I laughed and joined in and we both smiled while singing while driving down the highway. I felt so happy at the moment I told Lilly I was probably going to stay the whole week and I also told Andy and he was absolutely fine with that because I don't think my family is doing anything the whole week. I said I just need to talk to my family andy laughed and said well yea of course I said ok. I also told him I was going to ask what they were going to do the whole week and andy said ok just let me know and I said ok I will definitely do that and smiled. Me and Andy just enjoyed each other I checked the time it said 12 am and I smiled and said whatever. Andy said what time is it I said 12 am andy said ok that's fine and laughed and so did I. Me and Andy ended up driving to the beach and I laughed and andy said remember when we got in the back seat and I asked you to be my girlfriend I smiled and said yes. Andy said that was an amazing night I smiled and said I agree one hundred percent with you. Andy said sooo what are your plans after you graduate and he turned the car off. I said to get a job at Sally's or a hotel andy said that's fun I said yea and smiled. Andy said do you have your license I smiled and said yea I do andy said oh cool and you are turning 19 this yea? I said yep July 5th andy said oh cool I smiled and said yep andy said I love u lacey I said I love you more andy. Andy also said thanks for opening up to me about your whole life I said no of course I just wanted to have someone to talk to. Andy smiled and said yep you have me I said yea and I'm really happy about that andy said me too. Andy put on the song Robbers by The 1975 and I started smiling because I loveeee this song so fucking much. Andy started smiling as well we just stayed at the beach and looked at the view. Andy held my hand and kissed it and I smiled Andy leaned over and kissed me and I ran my knuckle against his jawline and he smiled. Andy moved his hand to my hip and applied Slight pressure and I smiled against his lips. Andy started kissing me passionately and I grabbed his arm and squeezed it slightly and andy moaned slightly into the kiss and I smiled. A couple minutes later andy pulled back and rested his forehead against mine and I put my hand against his face and I used my thumb and pulled his lip down slightly and he smiled and so did I. A little while later me and Andy decided to head back home I didn't want to but we had to. We ended up jamming out to 5 seconds of summer on the way back home. Me and Andy got back home at 2 am. We walked inside and andy locked the car Lilly a Cc looked at us like they got caught doing something they weren't supposed to. Andy closed the front door and locked it I started laughing and andy walked behind me and laughed as well. Lilly was straddling Cc and they looked at us and said oh shit hey guys we all started laughing and said um ok. We all hung out for a while then we all ended up falling asleep at 3 am. I fell asleep cuddled into andys arms. Andy was really warm and comfortable andy snored lightly and I smiled.

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