We got home 20 minutes later. Me and Lilly talked about her and Cc relationship. She seems really happy and I'm really proud and happy for her. I just wish me and Andy dated but he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. Lilly said alright bye lacey I said bye and got out and closed her car door and went inside. She left and I took off my shoes and went to the bathroom then I went upstairs to my room to charge my phone. I kinda felt a little jealous that Lilly was in a relationship but I don't care and she is my best friend and I just want her to be happy with someone. I mean she did have a massive crush on Cc anyway I kinda thought they were cute together. Lilly called me and she was so excited she said bitchhh guess wat. I laughed and said wats up babe she said Cc is here and she started giggling I laughed and said nice. I heard Cc say babe wat the fuck is the matter with you. Lilly said I'm telling my best friend that my man is here and he started laughing and so did I. I said I love u babe now go hang out with your man she laughed and said ok love u too bye and hung up. I got up and turned on my fan and layed back down on my bed and thought of andy for a while. My mom yelled LACEY DINNER IS READY. I groaned fuckkkk and I got up and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to get food. Everyone else was home and said oh hey lacey I smiled and said hey you guys. Andy called me and I answered it he was laughing and said oh hey babe I smiled and said hey wats up. He said I'm bored and lonely I said ok my mom wants me to eat dinner. He said oh no im coming get you and we are going to do something fun. I said hold on I said mom andy wants to kidnap me right now is that ok. She sighed and said sure but be home soon its a school night I said ok andy said alright babe I'll be right over and he hung up. I waited in the living room for andy to come get me but he never came and I felt kinda betrayed. I walked into the kitchen and said he's not coming my mom said I'm sorry. I rolled my eyes and said it's fine I shouldn't have given my hopes up anyway. Andy called me he said babe I'm sooo sorry something came up and I should have told you. I said yea what ever it's fine have a good night Andrew and I hung up.

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