So me and Lilly are graduating next weekend this is our last weekend as seniors. Me and Lilly both went to Disneyland together with our families for our senior trip. It was extremely fun me and Lilly definitely got a tan. Lilly decided to stay the weekend at my house and I obviously didn't mind lmao. Lilly got fucking wax strips we got a bunch of stuff this weekend. First me and Lilly both dyed our hair she did straight black I redid my hair red and black hair. After me and Lilly dyed our hair we did some skin care together we were going to do face masks later me and Lilly both put our hair in a messy bun and wore over sized shirts and shorts. Lilly and Cc were doing really good and so were me and Andy me and Lilly both have our graduation cap and gowns we were super excited. Me and Lilly went downstairs my mom and dad said you girls excited to graduate me and Lilly were jumping on the couch laughing and said uhhhh yea school sucks. We all started laughing and talked about the plans for tomorrow. I said so next weekend is our graduation me and Lilly finished taking our ACT tests last week we were both so happy that shit was over with. I haven't been to there house because school started getting to be a lot andy understood he came over a couple times and hung out with Lilly here. Me and Lilly were cuddling on the couch together laughing my mom took a picture of us and posted it on Instagram and Facebook she even tagged andy in both of them. She sent me the picture and I saved it my brother's girlfriend was going to my graduation and so was my old teacher I was super excited about that me and Lilly joked about different things. We ended up watching two movies and went upstairs to my room me and Lilly both brushed our hair and teeth and went back to my room after we used the restroom. Me and Lilly used makeup wipes on our face and did a face mask and took a picture and laughed we both layed on the floor under my fan and chilled. Lilly said lacey I said huh she said I fucking love you I said I fucking love you too Lilly and smiled she said I'm happy your my best friend I said honestly me too Lilly and we both smiled. Me and Lilly stayed up talking till 2 am and fell asleep against each other.
My dad came into my room and turned the lights on me and Lilly groaned fuckkkk what time is it. My dad said it's 10 am you guys need to get up and get dressed so we can go to the mall me and Lilly yawned and said ok. He walked out and closed the door me and Lilly got up and stretched. Me and Lilly both used the restroom then went back into my room and changed I wore a Sleeping With Sirens shirt and shorts Lilly wore a Black veil brides shirt and shorts. We both sprayed some body spray on and used the restroom again and grabbed our phones earbuds and purses. We also quickly put on our shoes and headed downstairs me and Lilly sat on the couch. My dad said are you guys ready and we said yea and he said ok sounds good. Me and Lilly both yawned and laughed at each other we all got up and walked outside and my dad locked the car. We all climbed into his truck and Lilly sat in the back and I sat in the front. My dad started the truck and started driving and me and Lilly both started listening to our music and jamming out so did my brother my parents were listening to the radio and talked about I don't know what. I was in my own little world my mom still doesn't know me and Andy have been having sex she doesn't mind that we are dating at all. I wasn't paying attention I was just listening to music and so was Lilly. We all got to the mall an hour later and we all hoped out and I put my purse on and my earbuds in my purse. We all started walking to the mall me and Lilly held hands while walking to the entrance of the mall. Lilly started laughing and said we are graduating I laughed and said yeppp I opened the door and everyone walked in me and Lilly walked in the back and held hands. My parents were both talking to each other we went to a music store and me and Lilly were both really excited about it we both bought a couple band shirts and albums she payed. I said no and she insisted we all walked into Hot Topic and Spencer me and Lilly joked about some shirts and laughed about it and so did my mom and dad. We walked out of there and went to a bunch of other stores we ended up going into Victoria secret with my mom me and Lilly bought shorts and some perfume. I ended up buying my favorite body sprays from Bath and Body Works I bought two of them I was super excited about it. Lilly joked and bought another one we also bought hand sanitizers. We got out and my dad was fussing my little sister I rolled my eyes and so did Lilly. Andy called and I answered and said hey babe he smiled and said so what are you guys doing right now I said at the mall andy said oh ok cool we walked to the food court and I continued talking to andy and me and Lilly sat down and waited for my parents. Cc called Lilly and they started talking me and Lilly both laughed at each other because we were both on the phone it was hilarious. A little while later my parents came back and we told the guys bye and put our phones down. Lilly said I guess we can get food after we leave my dad said ok and I started smiling and Lilly said oh wat are you thinking about I blushed and said nothing. Lilly said oh your thinking about my dad naked I kicked Lilly and she said owww bitch I laughed and said no wat the helll no and laughed she said yea sure and laughed. I rolled my eyes and said ass she started laughing and so did I. We all chilled at the food court and my dad fussed my little sister and she started crying I was annoyed a lot. A hour later we finally walked out of the mall and too the truck we all got in the truck. My dad locked the car when we got in and stared driving out of the parking lot me and Lilly both listened to music at the same time and started jamming out. My dad picked me and Lilly up some food and headed back home we got home an hour later and me and Lilly went to my room and changed we put our phones on charge and used the restroom. We went downstairs and grabbed our food and went upstairs into my room and ate and talked and watched a movie and laughed. We finished eating and threw our trash away and just chilled on my bed and yawned and stretched and laughed as well. Me and Lilly stayed up talking till 1 am and we both fell asleep on each other.
My dad came into my room and turned on my lights and me and Lilly woke up and groaned fuckkkk my dad said andy is here to get Lilly. Andy walked in and said hey good morning guys and smiled I yelled GO AWAY IM TRYING TO SLEEP YOU ASSHOLE. Lilly said yea dad go away and she grabbed the blanket and layed down and groaned fuckkkk. Andy started laughing and said oh my God and grabbed her bag and walked downstairs but didn't turn off the lights. A little while later me and Lilly finally got up and headed downstairs after she grabbed her phone and charger and we used the restroom we went downstairs. Lilly and andy headed out and went home I took a shower and put my dirty clothes in the dirty hamper and chilled in my room for the rest of the night. I went to bed at 11 pm and I fell asleep while listening to music I had my phone plugged in.

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