I woke up and checked my phone and it said Thursday. I was so happy that it was almost the weekend. I put my phone down and layed back down and closed my eyes to get more sleep. My mom came in and told me to wake up. I obviously groaned fuckkkk because I am not a morning person at all. You can ask everyone I know they will tell you that I am not a morning person. I'm really bitchy and grumpy when I wake up its not fun. I prefer the night time that us when my crack head state comes out. I'm a night owl not a morning bird. I got up and put on some music and started to get ready for the day. I changed and brushed my hair and teeth after I used the restroom. After I changed and got out of my bathroom I did a little bit of makeup and put in some earrings and turned my music off and grabbed my phone and bag and went downstairs. After I got downstairs I put my shoes on and sat on the couch and waited for Lilly to come and pick me up. My dad and siblings were all waiting to leave as well. Lilly came so I got up and darted out the door and laughed my ass off while getting into his car. She said why the fuck are u so happy. I said bitch it's Thursday she said oh yea but tomorrow is Friday. I said yea I know that Lilly I'm just really happy finally. She said good I'm glad about that and we both smiled and drove to school. We jammed out to old 80s rock bands and Slipknot. We got to school and we walked in together as usual today we had tests which I didn't care because we never do anything on Fridays anyways. We did all our tests and got out of school I was so happy to get out of school for the day. We got into the car and drove to Wendy's and got salads and drove to the park and ate it there. After we ate she dropped me off at my house and left. I got home and put my stuff down and used the restroom then went downstairs to hang out with my family. Me and my mom talked about me going to Lillys house for the weekend and she didn't mind. I called andy and asked him and he said yea of course. After we talked I went upstairs and packed my bag I first took a bath before I packed my stuff. An hour after I got out of my bath and changed I brushed my hair and teeth after I ate. I packed my bag for the weekend I also packed snacks and face masks for me and Lilly. After I packed my bag I sat it by my school bag so I could grab both tomorrow and head to school and head to her house right after school. I went to bed at 10 pm so I could wake up in a good mood. I also charged my phone and put it down and fell asleep right after.

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