I woke up at 6 am and groaned fuckkkk I'm tired and threw the blanket over my head and said fineeee I'll get the hell up. I got up and turned my alarm off and turned on my lights and went to the bathroom then came back to My room Lilly always drives us to school. I also have my license but she insisted on driving every day so I said ok I don't mind we both laughed. She came got me and we drove to school listening to Black Veil Brides along the way she bought Starbucks and I was really excited. Lilly said what are you doing after you graduate. I told her I'm waiting a year before I go into college she said I guess I will do the same thing as you I laughed and said sounds about right she laughed as well. We started singing and we both laughed and and I accidentally farted and she started laughing even harder. I yelled SHUT UP LILLY ITS NOT FUNNY. I started laughing even harder till I couldn't breathe. We got to school and I got out and closed my door and so did Lilly. We walked in school holding hands and I started laughing and she hit me in the boob. I grabbed my boob and said ow u bitch she said oh shit my bad and gave me a hug and we started laughing while walking into class. We got into class and sat in the front and waited for our teacher and everyone else to come into class which was boring as fuckkkk. I looked at my phone and noticed andy texted me I checked it and he said hey lacey hope u have a good day today 😉. I bit my lip and said thanks I hope u have a good day as well Mr. Biersack he hated when I called him that. He said it's andy too you 😏 I told u too stop calling me Mr. Biersack. I replied I know I just like making you mad 🤣 he replied lmaooo I can't stand u sometimes. I said I know love u bye. He said love u too bye behave I said back to u sir. He said ok that's it young lady I replied lmaoo byeee he said bye. I put my phone up and Waited for class to start which was really boring. Later that day I was bored all day at School. School finally let out and me and Lilly got out and headed back to her car. We went to go pick up my step siblings and brought them home. Lilly dropped them off and we went to go get food. Lilly brought me back home and dropped me off I kissed her cheek and said love u bitch bye. She said love u more bitch bye. I walked inside and went to my room and locked it so no one asked me for my food. I used the restroom and went to my bed and plugged my phone in and watched Netflix and ate my food on my bed. I didn't have homework because seniors never get homework. While I was eating andy called me I answered and said hello he said hey lacey I put my food on my night stand and said hey wats up. He said I'm bored I said ok and he said Lilly is in her room being a teenager. I laughed so hard I snorted he said did u just snort I said shut up and he started laughing. We talked for a little while and I finished eating my food and then went downstairs to throw my bag away. I got downstairs and everyone said wow u got food I said what Lilly got it for me calm down. They said ok lucky I said yea I know I am and laughed. I gave my mom a hug and said love u she said love u too. She said lacey u got homework I said nope and sat at the dinner table and hung out with my family. She said oh ok that's good I said yea I know right I'm happy about it. Everyone else sat at the table and did their homework I just sat there and talked to my family. I got bored and went to my room and locked my door and layed down on my bed and got comfortable. Everyone went to bed at 10 pm I fell asleep at 11 pm and told Andy goodnight and talk to you tomorrow. He said ok love u goodnight I'll talk to you tomorrow I said ok bye and he said bye and I went to sleep.

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