I really didn't want andy to leave and neither did Lilly. She told me that she still wasn't used to her dad leaving. I said yea im not excited about him leaving either. Lilly said great now im really going to fucking miss Cc I said yea I agree me too I'm going to miss all of the members Lilly said yea me too and frowned. Me and Lilly didn't want to talk to andy about how we felt about him leaving which we felt bad but at least we could both understand how each other felt now. I just didn't want to go home because I knew andy was leaving so soon andy and Cc put dinner up and started doing dishes while me and Lilly listened to music and jammed out together. Andy laughed and so did Cc me and Lilly also started laughing as well. I just couldn't believe it was Tuesday I turned off my music and charged my phone in the living room. Me and Lilly hoped on the couch and started cuddling and laughing with each other. Lilly yelled HEY DAD IM STEALING YOUR WOMAN. Andy walked in and said I think the fuck not andy jumped over the couch like a ninja and Cc walked around the couch laughing andy picked up Lilly and tossed her on the other couch and she screamed and hit the couch laughing her ass off Cc said damn nice throw andy laughed and said thanks. We all chilled on the couch and watched you tube together on TV I checked my phone and groaned fuckkkk. Andy said what I said it's midnight and it's Wednesday andy laughed and said ok. Why wats today I said getting closer to me leaving andy said oh yea true I said yea and looked at the TV. Andy said how about we all camp out in here. Lilly ran upstairs and grabbed pillows and blankets and ran downstairs laughing like crazy. We all got cuddled up I was with andy Cc ad Lilly were together. Cc turned on the fan and turned down the air andy took off his shirt andy was sitting up on the couch and I was sitting in between his legs. Andy had his arms wrapped around me I took a couple pictures of us and Lilly and Cc. We ended up binge watching music videos and singing to a couple. We also ended up listening to amazing songs from the 2010s me and Lilly were jamming out. Andy started singing a couple songs me and Lilly started laughing Cc even joined in I obviously started filming me and Lilly were like the fuck. Cc and andy both pointed at my phone and started singing my head went back into andys chest and he grabbed my phone I covered my face because I couldn't breathe then a couple minutes later. We all started singing together andy filmed it on my phone we were all having fun at 1 am. A little while later andy said hold on one second. A couple minutes later andy handed me my phone and continued watching TV. I said ok and went onto my Instagram and went on my account and saw a photo I clicked it and read the caption it's said "I am so sad I'm going on tour soon and I'm going to miss my best friend and the love of my life I really do want to spend the rest of my life with her I love her so much. BTW it's andy I stole her phone love u babe 😘😘😘" I said oh my God and put my phone down I got up and turned around I sat on andys lap and grabbed his chin and pulled him close to me and kissed him andy started kissing me passionately and grabbed my hips I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled back and smiled. I said did you really mean all of that andy smiled and said every word I squealed and tackled andy on the couch and we both started laughing Lilly and Cc said awwww. Andy and Cc fell asleep before me and Lilly. Me and Lilly stayed up and watched music videos and random shit together we got off the guys and sat by each other. Me and Lilly ate a little more food and jammed out to music. After we ate we washed our bowls and put them on the clean side and sat down on the couch again. Me and Lilly started laughing and I layed my head on her shoulder and sighed. Lilly sighed as well and said I'm really going to miss the guys I looked at her and said yea me too Lilly. Me and Lilly both stayed up for a while and just had a really deep conversation with each other about a bunch of stuff like the guys leaving and things like that. We were both not excited about it at all me and Lilly both almost started crying but we both calmed ourselves down quickly. Andy woke up and yawned me and Lilly looked at andy and he said you guys are both still up we shook our head and he said ok just go to sleep soon we said ok we will. A while later me and Lilly turned off the TV and grabbed our phones and went into andys room I turned on the lamp and Lilly turned off the light and turned on the fan. Me and Lilly both used the restroom then we layed down in andys bed. I cuddled against Lilly and fell asleep and so did she. Me and Lilly fell asleep at around 4 am we were both knocked out.

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