Andy put me down and unlocked the car. I was still smiling like a fucking idiot. Andy said alright kiddos let's go get food and head home we all laughed and said ok. Lilly started smiling and said me and Cc are in love with each other. I said me and Andy are in love with each other as well. Lilly said ehhh holy shit were in love and we started laughing and smiling. Cc opened the door and said ok babe let's get in Lilly said ok and climbed into the back seat I quickly gave Cc a hug and said I love u Cees Cc said I love you too lacey and then climbed in the back seat. I got into the car and closed the door andy locked it and me and Andy started smiling at each other and I looked down. Andy turned on the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and put on his sunglasses. I plugged in the aux cord and looked for music. Andy was driving out of the Target parking lot we all started laughing for no reason. We got to the stop sign and Lilly yelled THE DEATH OF A BACHELOR HOW COULD I ASK FOR MORE THE DEATH OF A BACHELOR. We all started laughing and I started singing the song as well andy smiled the whole time and so did Cc. Andy said only my girls would scream at the top of their lungs I laughed and said uh yea bitch I love this song and laughed. We started listening to Paramore and me and Lilly started singing because we love that band. Andy just stayed quiet and listened to us sung and so did Cc. We ended up getting chick-fil-a salads and something to drink. Andy drove down the highway and we all had our drinks Cc held the food we all laughed. Andy and Cc talked a little bit on the way home me and Lilly both just enjoyed the breeze and weather. Me and Lilly both felt free and enjoyed life right now. We were both jamming out without a care in the world which was absolutely amazing. I just knew I would have to go home soon and that made me kinda sad. Andy said after we ate we would redye my hair and I said ok. So when we get home I was going to change into my hair dye clothes and get my stuff ready. I was really excited because my hair was starting to fade again it was mainly the red but we also bought black for when I redye the black side. I was really excited to spend a little more time with andy and Lilly and also Cc because I love him as well. Juliet lived with Ashley because she left Andy for Ashley. I still can't believe she did that because like um andy is like the BEST fucking thing known to mankind like how can anyone hurt him. I'm just really happy to know that I can make him smile like crazy and he can also make me smile like crazy. The highway was slightly busy but we all didn't care because we were all spending quality time together as a family. A little while later we finally got home andy and Cc put the food inside. Me and Lilly carried all our bags inside andy helped a little of course and he locked the car and the front door. Me and Lilly took our shoes off and headed upstairs we both sorted our stuff out and I put my stuff in andys room. Andy hung out with me in his room while I sorted my shit out I grabbed some red hair dye and grabbed everything I needed and grabbed my shirt shorts and Towel. I walked over to andy and kissed him and he smiled I said thank you for everything again andy smiled and kissed me and mumbled against my lips anything for my girls and I smiled and gave him a huge hug. Andy went downstairs while I Changed. I went downstairs with my phone and everyone was already eating. I laughed Cc said oh your food and drink is in the fridge I said aw thanks you guys thought about me and I laughed. Lilly said yea we did and laughed as well Lilly said where the plushie I said on andys bed she said ah ok nice. I sat down and I have to pee Cc laughed and said ok I got up and walked to the bathroom crow followed me and I laughed. I sat on the toilet and crow sat and stared at me I took a picture and posted it the caption said "umm lmao so crow followed me into the bathroom and won't stop staring at me @andyblack come get your damn cat 🤣🤣🤣." I posted it and andy started laughing after I walked out the bathroom. I said crow wouldn't stop fucking staring at me and we all laughed. Everyone got Done eating andy and Cc got up and got the hair dye station ready in the living room. I ate my salad and hung out with Lilly and waited. I said I love you girl she said I love you more lacey and I smiled and so did Lilly. I finished eating and we went into the living room andy said ok I'm ready to dye your hair I said ok hold on I went upstairs and grabbed the dye and the brushes and walked back downstairs. I handed andy everything and started brushing my hair. Andy started mixing the dye and put on gloves in the kitchen Cc said you need help bud andy said nope I said on the chair. Lilly decided to help section my hair andy didn't mind because he was still in the kitchen I put on some music and we all jammed out. Lilly got done sectioning out my hair and I put the black side in a ponytail. Lilly said I'm Done and andy said thanks babe she said no prob dad. Lilly started brushing the red side to make sure there were no more Knotts in my hair I just sat and drank my drink and nodded my head to music. Lilly said ok Done and I sat my drink down andy walked over with the dye and smiled he said you ready babe I smiled and said yea. Andy leaned down and kissed me I said I love you andy said I love you too lacey and I smiled I said thanks andy said no problem. Andy started dying my hair and I was really excited to feel like my bad ass self again. A little while later Andy finally finished putting all the dye in and I set a timer for 30 minutes andy sat on the couch and said ok I'm tired now. And we all laughed at andy and he started laughing as well andy let daredevil out and let him back in and locked the door and sat back down on the couch. Andy said you can use my shampoo and conditioner I said ok Lilly said no use the one we bought I laughed and said ok and Lilly laughed and said ok. We all just chilled and laughed and also listened to music. Me and Lilly laughed at random shit for no reason and I bit my lip and stared snorting. Andy and Cc said holy shit and laughed at me and Lilly said what the fuck and laughed as well. We were all dieing from laughing my face was red and so was Lilly I couldn't breathe and said oh shit I'm dieing. A little while later we all stopped laughing and we couldn't breathe. 30 minutes later the timer went off and scared us me and Lilly laughed I got off the chair and went upstairs to wash my hair.

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