I woke up and groaned fuckkkk I checked my phone and it said 4 am. I said what the fuck why am I awake right now I put my phone down. I groaned fuckkkk and rolled my eyes and sighed. It's 4 in the fucking morning and I'm awake what the actual hell am I doing awake right now. I got up and went to the restroom then came back in my room and picked my clothes out for tomorrow and sprayed some cologne on and smiled I yawned and stretched I said I'm going the fuck back to sleep. I climbed into my bed and got super comfortable and eventually fell back to sleep I was in a deep sleep. My mom came in my room and turned the lights on I groaned fuckkkk mom she said get up I said ughh ok she walked out and closed my door. I drank some water and got up and stretched and yawned I went use the restroom and got ready. I went back in my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and put my shoes on. I grabbed my phone and my back pack and turned my lamp off and walked out of my room and turned the lights off and closed the door and walked downstairs. Everyone said good morning I said shut up every one laughed and said damn ok. I sat down on the couch and yawned I said I'm fucking exhausted my mom said yea me too and I laughed. I chilled on the couch with my family and waited for andy to come pick me up. A little while later andy called I answered and said hello he said I'm here babe I said ok and got up. I told everyone bye and closed the front door and walked to andys car he had the windows down and I smiled. I walked over to his side and grabbed his face and kissed him he smiled. I said I'm really going to miss your face andy smiled and said me too and kissed me again I bit his lip. I said hey can I drive andy said uhhhh I don't know I said come on I have my license. I poked his nose and said plus I know how to drive you andy bit his lip and said ugh fine. I smiled andy got out of the car and I gave him a kiss I said I love you he said I love you too lacey and kissed my forehead I smiled andy grabbed my bag and went to the passenger side. I climbed in and adjusted the seat and put on my seat belt I squealed Lilly said ohhh shit I laughed and said shut up I rolled down the windows and turned on some music and started driving. I kept smiling and biting my lip his car drove really nicely the wind was blowing my hair and I felt fucking amazing. Andy said wow you can drive really good I said thank you babe he laughed and said no problem we all jammed out on the way to school. I parked the car and turned it off and readjusted the seat and got out. Andy handed me my back pack and kissed me I said I love you he said I love you too lacey and smiled. He leaned against my ear and said next time you drive I'm going to fuck you in the back seat and I smiled. Andy also said yes babe you know how to drive and ride me and my face went hot and he kissed my neck and I died slightly. Andy said alright have a good day at School and kissed my forehead and said alright go and he pated my thigh. I smiled and said Andrew he said huh I said are you hard right now he laughed and said no why. I said are you serious he said yea why I said wow you are huge he laughed and said thanks and he kissed me I said damn andy laughed against my lips and kissed me again he said go babe I said ugh fine I handed him the keys and walked away. Andy said have fun guys I said we will me and Lilly laughed the whole time walking into school. We got to class and sat down in our chairs I was like I can't believe your dad let me drive. Lilly said I know plus you are an amazing driver I smiled and said thank you and booped her nose and she started laughing at me. Lilly groaned fuckkkk and said it's Tuesday I frowned and said yea I know. Lilly said yea and put her head down I said that sucks she said yea I love spending time with my dad I said yea me too. I said I hope he's not on tour for too long she said yea I agree with you. School went by very quickly today me and Lilly walked outside and met up with our friends and started laughing and talking. I started smiling like crazy when I thought about andy. Lilly didn't pay attention I kept looking for andys car and I spotted it and smiled like crazy Lilly said is my dad here I said yea and Lilly said ok let's go and we both started running andy said hiiii. We both screamed DADDDD Andy started laughing and we both gave him a hug he said hey my wittle crack heads and kissed our heads. We all climbed into the car and started driving out of the driveway of school me and Lilly both started laughing and jamming out andy was jamming out as well with us. We drove down the highway and I looked out the windows and smiled I said I can't wait to come over Thursday andy said yea me too honestly. Lilly was looking out the window and smiling as well. I got out the car and walked over to andys side and kissed him passionately and put my hand on his face and pulled back I said I love you he said I love you more. I smiled and walked away from the car and yelled WOAAA IM IN LOVE WITH ANDREW MOTHER FUCKING BIERSACK. Andy started laughing and I turned around and he yelled IM IN LOVE WITH LACEY FUCKING BIERSACK. I started smiling like an idiot my step brother walked out and said what in the hell is going on we all started laughing and I walked inside and andy left. My mom said ok and I took off my shoes and went upstairs grinning like an idiot and went into My room and plugged my phone and used the restroom and changed my clothes and went back downstairs for some food and something to drink. I went upstairs to my room smiling still and put my plate down and layed on my bed and bit my thumb and squealed and smiled I sat up smiling and put my head on my shoulder. I got up and finally decided to eat some food because I was fucking starving I finished my food and headed downstairs to pick my plate up and went back upstairs in my room and closed my door and grabbed my phone and layed back down on my bed. Everyone went to bed at around 10 or 9 pm. I just stayed up on my phone and listened to music for a while I ended falling asleep at 1 am because I was so damn exhausted. I checked my phone and told Andy I love you and good night he said I love you too lacey and good night 😘. I plugged my phone in and set it down on my side table.

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