I woke up before my mom came in my room and I groaned fuckkkk. I rolled over and buried my head in my pillow and prayed I suffocated myself and laughed. My mom came in my room and said lacey it's time to get up and she turned my light on and walked out of my room and closed my door. I felt something on my back and I looked and my cat Princess meowed at me and I started laughing. She jumped off my back and walked close to my face. Princess sniffed my face and meowed at me and I petted her head and she started purring and rubbing against my hand and I smiled. I rolled over and got out of my bed and unplugged my phone and turned on music. I yawned and stretched Princess meowed and I turned around and leaned over and kissed her head. Princess walked to the edge of my bed and layed down and started rolling around and I laughed. I changed after I used the restroom. I put on a black veil brides shirt and sprayed body spray on and put on a little mascara but no eye liner. I also put on some mint chapstick. I walked over to my lamp and turned it off I grabbed my phone and turned off my music. I went downstairs and andy said lacey I said what. Andy said where are your pants I said huh and looked down. I said oh shit I forgot pants every one started laughing and I ran upstairs. I said oh my God and laughed I quickly threw on shorts and grabbed my shoes and put them on. I also grabbed my back pack and my phone and petted Princess then I walked out of my room and closed the door. I headed downstairs and said oops lmao. Andy said yea I was like ummmm baby where the fuck are your pants. I laughed andy said also nice underwear I smacked his arm. I said Andrew Dennis Biersack Andy looked offended. Andy said heyyy wow and put his hands up he said you walked downstairs with no pants on my bad. I laughed and said thanks and blushed Andy grabbed my back pack and kissed my forehead. Andy leaned against my ear and said hopefully your underwear look good on my bedroom floor as well. Andy kissed my cheek and my face went pale Andy smiled and said you ready to go. I stuttered and said uhh..uh yea of course I am. Andy laughed and said ok andy grabbed my hand and we walked towards the front door. I told my family bye and that I love them and they all said bye and we love you too. Me and Andy walked outside and he closed the door. I instantly smacked his shoulder Andy said ow wat the fuck babe. I walked away smiling Andy said oh helllll no get your sexy ass over here. I laughed and turned around and andy instantly grabbed me and hoisted me up. I yelped and wrapped my legs around his stomach and smiled. Andy instantly started kissing me passionately and I wrapped my hand around his chin and he pulled back and smiled. I said I love u Andrew Andy said I love you too lacey. Andy said mint chapstick I like I smiled and laughed and he said ok let's go. We walked over to the car and andy was still holding me but I didn't mind. Andy finally put me down and opened my car door. I climbed in and andy handed me my backpack and I put it on the floor. Andy got in and we all buckled up. I plugged the aux cord into my phone and when andy turned on the car my music started playing and andy rolled down the windows. Me andy and Lilly all jammed out while andy drove us too school. We got to a red light and I noticed andy staring at my shirt smiling I looked down and noticed my black veil brides shirt. I looked up smiling and andy pointed to my shirt and said heyy lmaoo thats me. I smiled and laughed and said yea I love this shirt andy smiled and said yea me too. Andy looked back up at the road and started driving again. A little while later we got to school when I opened my door andy said have a great Thursday. I looked up and whiped my head and looked at him Lilly said the fuck u just said. Andy laughed and said its Thursday you guys me and Lilly looked at each other and said damnnn thats crazy and we laughed. Andy said in 1 more week you guys will be on spring break. Me and Lilly said helllll yea bitchessss. Me and Lilly got out and held hands while we walked into school. Lilly said wat are u doing for spring break I said I dunno Lilly said bitchhhh sameee. I laughed and we walked to our first class and sat down. Lilly said you wanna sleep over tomorrow I said yea sure she said ok. Lilly also said we have to talk to our parents I laughed and said I know girl. School went by kinda slow today we had to take a test in all 3 of our classes. School finally ended and we went outside to wait for andy. It was weird because he wasn't here yet we said oh well 20 minutes later and he still wasn't here. A teacher had to wait with us I called andy. Andy answered and groaned fuckkkk I said Andrew Dennis Biersack where the hell are you. Andy said oh shit I knew I should've not have taken that nap. Andy said look I'm sorry I came home exhausted and I fell asleep. I sighed and said just get here safe ok and he said I'm soo sorry babe I'm on my way I said whatever ok  bye and rolled my eyes. Lilly said is my dad ok I said yea he was taking a nap. Lilly said are you freaking kidding me I said nope Lilly was pissed. Lilly its hot outside and my dad took a nap how sweet of him and she groaned as well. The teacher stayed inside with us while we waited. She was really sweet and talked to us and kept us company. Andy walked in out if breathe andy said I'm sorry but I'm here now. Andy wow I really need to start exercising again and he hunched over out if breathe. Me and Lilly looked at him and he stood back up. Andy said oh you guys are big pissed Lilly said could you die any louder damn dad. Me and Lilly got up and walked outside pissed the fuck off. I guess andy told the teacher thank you and came outside andy jogged and yelled LILLY AND LACEY IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO FALL ASLEEP. We all got in the car and andy locked the door. Andy said guys look I'm sorry Lilly said are you fucking kidding me dad. Andy looked at her Lilly said its hot as fucking balls outside me and lacey are sweating our asses off and you forgot about us. Andy sighed and said look guys I'm sorry. Andy looked at me and rubbed his knuckle against my face. Andy said are u mad at me too babe I said you wanna smell me and I looked him dead in the eyes and said it. Andy just kept his knuckle against my face and sighed he said I'm really sorry you guys I mean it. I stared at andy and said there is only one way you can make it up to us. Andys face changed and he moved his hand and said wats that. Me and Lilly both said food in sync and we looked at each other and laughed. I looked at andy and he sighed and said ok. I pulled andys shirt and he leaned over the console and I kissed him. He pulled back and said are you happy now I said no give us food andy bit his lip and said ok and kissed me again. He started the car and we buckled up. Andy rolled down the windows and we drove to get food I didn't plug my phone into the aux cord because I was upset at him. We got food and andy said are u guys happy now. Lilly was shoveling food in her mouth and said no your the worst. Andy said wow and me and Lilly started laughing our asses off. Andy started laughing and said Lilly don't chock back there and andy said shit that sounded wrong. Lilly said lacey have you ever chocked yet andy chocked on his drink and I started laughing. Andy was coughing like crazy I started laughing and went all serious and said no not yet and winked at andy. Andy said Jesus Christ lacey and Lilly. Andy took another sip of his drink and put it down and he said did you just say yet lacey. I smiled and said yep but thats not the plan. Lilly said wait lacey I said huh Lilly said you haven't given my dad head yet. I looked out the window trying not to laugh and say no. Lilly said are you kidding me I said no she said wow I gave Cc head many times. I said wow good for you and laughed my ass offf. We got to my house and andy helped me get my stuff. Andy held my back pack i held my food and drink and had my phone in my pocket. Andy said are u still mad at me I laughed and said no I just need a shower now. Andy laughed and walked behind and put his hand on my waist to stop me. And was standing behind me and he leaned over into my ear and said have you been thinking about sucking my dick. My heart went up in my throat and I didn't say anything and his voice got deeper and andy said have you babe. I let my head go backwards and I let out a breath I was holding in . I looked up and said yea I have millions of times. Andy looked at me and smiled and said good I said ok. I put my head back down and me and Andy walked into my house. Andy went to my room and put my bag down and gave me a hug and said bye. Andy said sorry your daughter is home late and and Lilly was wondering if she could sleep over tomorrow. My mom said yea and andy kissed my head quickly and said bye babe see you tomorrow. I smiled and said ok bye we all chilled in the kitchen and I told my family why I was late today.

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