A little while later Cc went home and andy went in his room to go chill. We told Andy we were going to go pick up food he said ok be careful. We jammed out to music on our way to Chick fil a. The line was crowded andy and Lilly got a salad I got chicken tenders because they were really fucking good. We all got drinks and we headed home listening to The 1975 and I got excited every time I heard my favorite song. We got home and we all ate food and watched a movie. The movie ended and I said Lilly when are we dieing our hair she said I don't know. I said do you feel really hyper right now and she shook her head really quickly and me and Andy laughed. He said I am wide awake as well. We all threw our trash away and me and Lilly changed our clothes. Her dad wanted to help us so we went into his bathroom Lilly dyed her hair and andy dyed my hair I said thanks and he said no problem im having fun. He wasn't wearing a shirt he was wearing old pants that he didn't care about. I took a couple pictures and posted them on my Snapchat and Instagram and tagged both of them. We all chilled and waited to wash out the dye we all jammed out to music. Me and Lilly both had a mental breakdown over one direction Cc ended up coming back and he was staying the night so we could all hang out. Andy comforted me and Cc comforted Lilly over our one direction metal breakdowns. We both laughed and waited to wash our hair. Andy washed my hair and Cc washed lillys. I screamed WAT THE FUCKK ANDY ARE U TRYING TO DROWN ME IN THE GOD DAMN SHOWER. Andy started laughing his ass off and so did I. After we both washed our hair out we dryed it and changed into shorts and baggy shirts and chilled with the guys downstairs and listened to music. Andy had his arm wrapped around me Cc had his arm wrapped around Lilly and we both smiled and took pictures of each other and laughed. The guys were just talking to each other but we didn't care at all. A couple minutes later me and Lilly went into her room and put on some music and put our hair in a messy bun and did face masks and sung different songs and layed on the bed with the fan on and hung out. Andy and Cc walked in and smiled and said what are you guys doing we both said spa night they said ah ok cool. Andy cake stand by me and Cc went over to Lilly. Andy grabbed my hand and held it he kissed my hand and I smiled. He said I love you lacey I said I love u too andy. A couple minutes later we took off the face masks and washed our faces and put on some night cream and some eye cream and went back to her room. We started laughing and dancing with each other and the guys started laughing and said oh my God you guys are adorable and we laughed. We hung out for a while and the guys went go sleep in andys room. Me and Lilly stayed up and listened to music and kept talking about random shit and laughed. Andy snuck in and scared me I jumped and covered my face he said aw babe I'm sorry and kissed my head and said I love u I said I love you too and he gave Lilly a hug and went back to his room. Me and Lilly ended up falling asleep at 2 am. We both fell asleep in each others arms and I smiled because she smelled really good.

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