I woke up and groaned fuckkkk because it's Saturday and I go home tomorrow. Andy leaves next weekend and I'm not excited about that. I moved closer and buried my head in the crook of andys neck and nuged my nose against his neck and smiled. Andy was still snoring lightly and I smiled and wrapped my arm around his neck I loved waking up next to him it always put me in a good mood. I felt andy wake up and yawn and stretched it was really adorable he said I love u babe and he rubbed my hip and I smiled and said I love you babe andy smiled and kissed my shoulder and we both smiled he said you ready to go home tomorrow I said shut up and pushed his head and he said owww that's rude and laughed. I sighed andy said what's wrong babe I said I don't know I think I wanna go home today Andy rubbed my thigh and said ok I don't mind I wouldn't be upset. I said are you sure andy said yea plus I'll be like hella busy I said ok and I love you andy said I love you too go pack your stuff babe I said ok and kissed him and went to the restroom. I grabbed all my stuff off of his counter even my body scrub and put it in my bag and zipped it up I quickly used the restroom and plugged my phone in because I forgot to charge it. I said can I stay over for a little while longer andy said you can literally do whatever you want I smiled and said ok and climbed back into bed and cuddled against andys chest. Me and Andy talked for a while about random things and laughed a lot. A little while later Lilly and Cc walked into andys room and said what are yall doing. Andy said were fucking I said Andrew and slapped his arm and started laughing and so did andy. Lilly said woah Nelly and said ok they are kinda busy right now and walked out laughing I said really andy said yea really. I laughed and rolled my eyes andy said what they left us alone I laughed and said yea your right andy said I know. I sighed andy said what and started rubbing my thigh I smiled and said nothing andy said do you want to go home today babe I said no actually I don't he said ok I don't mind. Andy said so what do you want to do today I said honestly I don't fucking care as long as I'm with you I'm fine andy said ok sounds good and I smiled and said yea. I started rubbing andys thigh and he looked at me and kissed my head and I smiled he said I love you lacey I said I love you more Andrew and he laughed and kissed my head again. Me and Andy just stayed in bed talking about plans and how next week was going to play out. Andy said something dumb and I started laughing so hard I hit my head I laughed and said ow andy said oh my God are u ok babe I laughed and said yea. Lilly said what the hell did u do I said I laughed too hard and hit my head she laughed and said you fucking idiot I laughed and said thanks bestie she said ayeee you already know and we all started laughing as well. Andy said okkk so what are we doing today Lilly sighed and said I don't know so many options she said Cc he said hmm wats up she wat you wanna do today Cc said I don't know and they both walked into andys room and sat on the bed. Lilly said welll we could do anything I said like what she said I don't know we could watch movies go out or literally just stay right here all day. I climbed out of the bed and Lilly layed down and I walked over to her on the bed andy said be careful I said ok. I was wearing shorts and a shirt with no bra I stood on top of Lilly and she laughed. She said hey home girl I can see your titts and I started laughing and she grabbed me and I yelped because she slammed on her hips. Lilly yelled fuckkkk that hurt but felt good I was like oh shit and started laughing and so did everyone else. Lilly said that kinda felt nice I said what she said slamming you on me I looked at andy he said hey woah calm down Lilly Cc said damn wow I'm shook and we all laughed. I said damn Lilly you have a crush on me know she winked and said I dunno maybe I said uh oh andy said helllll no she's mine back off we all started laughing again I was like I'm fuckin weak and I almost fell off the bed if Lilly wasn't gripping my hips. I was like oh my God and wiped my face because I started crying she said you ok I said yea she said wow u look really hot on top andy said yea I agree and back off my wife my face shot up and looked at him and he said yea my wife and I smiled and bit my lip and blushed. I started smiling and looked the other way because I wanted to scream. I cleared my throat and said so are we just going to hang out here I climbed off of lillys lap andy said what ever you guys wanna do I'm fine with I said ok. Lilly said I guess we can stay here we all agreed and said ok I'm fine with that we all ended up climbing in andys bed and cuddled against each other and watched movies. We only got up to use the restroom and eat and take care of the animals we literally just chilled in andys bed the whole day. Lilly said lacey I said huh she said is your bag packed I sighed and said yea and she said ok. Lilly and Cc left at around 12 am me and Andy just stayed up talking we kept interrupting each other by randomly kissing each other while we were talking and we both started laughing. I sighed and said I love you andy he rubbed his knuckle against my face and kissed my lips and andy said I love you more lacey I smiled. Me and Andy ended up falling asleep at 2 am in each other's arms andy snored lightly against my neck and I smiled.

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