I woke up before my mom came in my room. I woke up and looked at my phone and groaned fuckkkk its 6 ammmm I'm tired and I don't give a fuck if it's Friday. I put my phone down and layed my head back down on the pillow and tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep for a little while longer. Unfortunately my plan failed because my mom came in my room and told me to wake up and turned my lights on and closed my door. I groaned fuckkkk and grabbed my phone and turned on some music and got up out of bed. I went into my bathroom and used it and brushed my hair and teeth. After I went back into my room and changed my clothes and put on some deodorant. I put on my shorts today I was wearing a Metallica shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun but said fuck it and took it down. I put my hair ties on my wrist. I sprayed some body spray on and got up and grabbed my phone. I turned off my music and pit my shoes on and grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. I turned off my lamp first then I turned off my light and fan and closed my door and headed downstairs. I headed downstairs and andy was wauting for me and I smiled and said hi good morning and laughed. Andy laughed as well and said good morning beautiful I rolled my eyes and laughed andy said what its true. Andy grabbed both of my bags I insisted on holding one but andy said hell no I got it I said ughhh ok fine. Andy laughed and said ok he followed behind me outside and put his hand on my back so I wouldn't fall. It was more for his support so andy wouldn't fall lmaooo. Andy was holding both of my bags and he wouldn't let me hold one at all which bothered me but it's andy. Andy opened my door and I got in and he handed me both of my bags and I put them on the floor. I said shittt andy said what I said I forgot my charger. I got out and Fuckin ran andy said damnnnn babe run and he laughed. I started banging on the door a d my dad said what the fuck I ran past him upstairs and he closed the door. My brother yelled DAMN BITCH YOU GOT THE SHITS. Everyone started laughing I ran into my room I tripped and said fuckkk. I got up and grabbed my charger and anything else I forgot I used the bathroom really quick and walked downstairs. I had a towel on my knee I said dad I need a bandaid he said ok I'm going Wait outside he said alright sweetheart. I went outside and andy immediately ran over to me andy said what happened.

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