I woke up and groaned fuckkkk because my mom turned my light on and she walked out and closed my door. I was extremely exhausted from staying up on my phone till 1 am but it was worth it. I grabbed my phone and checked it said Wednesday I felt my chest tighten slightly because andy had to leave this weekend and I felt my eyes watering. I quickly turned on black veil brides and got out of bed and stretched. I went to the bathroom to get ready I used it and walked back to my room. I jammed out to Black Veil Brides and changed and put my hair in a messy bun and put some earrings in. I grabbed my body spray and sprayed it on and set it back down I quickly put on some mascara and turned off my music and quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs for school. I got downstairs and groaned fuckkkk I hate school I was not excited I was like fuckkkk why is he leaving in two fucking days. My mom said are you ok lacey I said no I'm really going to miss andy she said I know you will I said uh yea I will like come on I love him sooo much. I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose and said I'm not going to fucking cry I said I'm going outside to wait my mom said ok tell me when you are leaving I said ok and walked outside and closed the door and sighed. I felt like my heart was getting squeezed and I couldn't fucking breathe I just wanted to have a break down but I didn't I quickly composed myself. Andy finally pulled up to the house and I opened the front door and said bye they said bye and I closed the door and started walking to andys car. I opened the door and climbed in and closed the door and put my seat belt on andy said you ready I said yea and felt really sad we drove to school. We all only talked a little bit which was really weird and really sad but andy was leaving really soon so that's fun. Me and Lilly both got out the car and closed the door and walked to school Lilly said you ok lacey I said no she said yea me too I'm not excited I said yea me too trust me. Me and Lilly walked into school and immediately headed to our class and sat down and stared at the floor. I sighed and so did Lilly we both looked at each other and said great I'm going to cry I said yep I felt that. School was fucking annoying me and Lilly felt like shit the whole day we just both wanted to start crying but we didn't. School finally ended I was so happy me and Lilly didn't talk to our friends and we just waited for andy. Andy called me and he said listen don't get angry ok I said huh andy said your mom is coming get you guys I said why. Andy said I left for tour my heart stopped beating I said your fucking kidding me I said it louder than I anticipated I said why didn't we get to say goodbye he said I'm sorry they just came got me my mom pulled up I said bye and hung up and me and Lilly climbed in the car. I started crying the whole way home I was so mad we got home after we dropped Lilly off I walked inside and took off my shoes and went to my room. I opened my door and andy was standing there with roses I said Andrew he said I love you lacey I closed my door and walked in and said I love you too Andrew. I walked over to andy and tackled him on the bed and he started laughing I said I thought u left he said no we are leaving Saturday I sighed and said ok. Andy said pack your stuff I said huh he said pack your shit your coming home tonight I smiled and said ok. 20 minutes later I finally got all my stuff and me and Andy drove to his house we got out and walked inside. Lilly said dad and ran to him I locked the door and put my stuff in andys room. We all hung out downstairs for a while and ate some dinner and watched some movies. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and andy carried me to bed it was around 1 am. I woke up in his bed and snuggled against his chest and fell asleep while he snored lightly and I smiled and fell asleep.

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