We watched 2 movies then decided to go hang out in her room. We both used the restroom before we went into her room. We got upstairs and I grabbed my bags and put them on the floor. We both decided to change into something comfortable. I wore shorts and a t-shirt and put my hair back in a messy bun and took my earrings out and charged my phone and sat it down oh her bed. We both sat on her bed and she turned the fan on and sat on the bed next to me. Andy said can I come in and we laughed and said yea why. He said I don't want to be lonely can I hang out with you guys and I said yea sure. He grabbed a chair and put it by the bed and sat on it and put his head on the chair and looked at me. I said what's up why you staring at me he said I don't know why. He started laughing and I started laughing and so did Lilly she said why the fuck are we laughing. I said I don't know why and she said ok lmaooo. I started laughing again and said ok sounds good I guess. We all hung out for a little while. Andy went into his room at around midnight. Me and lilly stayed up and did some skin care and face masks. We layed in her bed and just chilled at around 1 or 2 am.

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