I said how are you and Cc Lilly. She smiled and said we are doing really good. I smiled and said good I'm really happy for you. Lilly said same to you bestie and I smiled again. We both finished our Starbucks and threw them away. Me and Lilly both went to the bathroom and came back to class and sat down and waited for school to start. Me and Lilly both kept looking at each other and smiling for no reason it was really funny. Me and Lilly just chilled and sighed a lot during class because we were were bored. After school ended me and Lilly were really excited to finally get out of hell 🤣🤣. Me and Lilly talked to our friends while we waited. I saw andy standing outside the car with his arms crossed. I started laughing because andy looked really cute when he was trying to look like a badass. Lilly said lacey why are you laughing I said nothing and just looked down and she said ok. I looked up and andy was glaring at me while bitting his lip. Lilly looked at me confused I started walking towards andy and he opened his arms when I got closer. Lilly was watching us I wrapped my arms around andys neck and put my head in the crook of his neck and pulled back quickly. Andys face changed and said what's wrong I said I forgot I was were makeup. Andy said oh thank god I thought something was wrong I laughed and said no I just didn't want to mess it up. Andy said oh ok I smiled and said you smell really good. Andy laughed and said thanks you too I smiled and said thanks. Lilly finally decided to walk toward us. Lilly said heyy wats up dad andy laughed and said hi. Andy wrapped his arms around the both of us and gave us a hug. Andy said alright hop in the car let's get this shit started. Me and Lilly laughed and jumped in the car.

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