I woke up to the sound of cats meowing like crazy. I sat up and crow walked over to me and head butted me and I smiled. I checked my phone it said 1 am I groaned fuckkkk and layed back down on andys chest andy moved slightly. Crow crawled on andys chest and I took a picture of us and put my phone back down and snuggled against andy. Crow started rubbing against andys jawline and andy smiled and crow laued down on andys chest and fell asleep right beside me. I started petting crow and he started purring loudly and I smiled because andys chest vibrated because of crows purring. I didn't know what the plans were for today but I also didn't really care as long as I was with andy I was ok. I fell back asleep a couple minutes later and I was knocked out against andys neck. A couple hours later I woke up against andys neck and smiled I looked down and saw crow knocked out on his chest and I smiled. I ran my hand down andys chest and started petting crow he woke up and meowed and yawned and stretched and started purring when I pet him. I looked over and daredevil woke up and walked over to me and I smiled at him and said hi buddy. I started stretching and I started scratching daredevils head and he really enjoyed it and I smiled because he was really cute. Daredevil walked onto my chest and crushed my boob and I said owww Daredevil that's my title andy started laughing and I looked at him and he opened his eyes slightly and said that hurts I said yea it does. Daredevil started licking my face and I started laughing andy said hi buddy and started scratching Daredevils head and he started panting because he was happy. Crow got up and stretched against andy. Andy said ah shit crow I can feel your claws and crow walked away he said ow he fucking scratched me I said uh huh that hurts andy said uh yea I laughed. Daredevil started licking my face and I laughed and andy started laughing and he kissed my head and wrapped his arm and leg around me and I smiled. Daredevil barked and andy said ok let's go potty andy rolled over and Daredevil ran across andys balls and andy said ahhh fuckk I started laughing my ass off. I said what happened andy he said Daredevil ran across my balls I started laughing and almost fell off the bed andy kept groaning in pain while holding his crotch. I got up and went to the bathroom so I wouldn't piss on myself. I walked out and said I'll take care of the animals andy said thanks I said ok and walked downstairs. I let daredevil out and fed crow and femme I let daredevil in and fed him as well. After that I went back upstairs and into andys room I opened the door and andy fell back asleep and I laughed and shook my head. I walked into his room and closed the door and walked over to andy. I ran my knuckle against his jawline and I smiled I leaned closer and kissed his lips I pulled back and he smiled. Andy opened his eyes and wrapped one arm and my waist and he yawned and said I missed you so much I laughed and said I bet you did. Andy stretched out he said I actually did really miss you I said good I missed you more. Andy said so what do you want to do today. I said I don't know honestly andy said ok we can think about it I said yea of course. Andy groaned fuckkkk I said what he laughed and said that hurt when Daredevil ran across my balls. I started laughing and fell onto my knees andy said holy shit are you ok I laughed and said yea I'm fine and andy laughed as well and said ok just making sure you don't die on me. I stood back up and andy got out of bed and stretched and walked into the restroom and closed the door. A couple minutes later he came back out and smiled I said why are you smiling he said I don't know cause your beautiful I smiled and laughed andy said what it's fucking true I smiled and said thanks babe. Andy smiled and said of course I love you I said I love you more and he smiled.

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