I woke up to my mom turning my light on as usual. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk then realized it's Friday and I smiled and laughed and layed my head back down on my pillow. I turned my music on and got up and started getting ready for the day. I put my hair in a messy bun and wore sweat pants and a hoodie and sprayed body spray and used the restroom after I got out. I turned off my music and grabbed my charger I put my snacks in my purse so it would not melt. After I grabbed my bag and back pack and closed my bedroom door and went downstairs and set my stuff down and put my shoes on and sat down and waited for Lilly to get me. I heard a knock on the door and answered it andy said hey I said oh hey why are u here he said I'm driving you guys to school I said ok can u bring my purse and bag to your house he said yea sure I don't care I said ok cool. I got in the car and put my bags in the front seat with me and we drove to school. We all jammed out to Black Veil Brides and other bands. We got to school and I put my purse and my other bag on the seat and he said I'll bring it inside I said ok thanks he said no problem. He said I'm also picking you guys up I said ok cool and closed the door and walked away to meet up with Lilly. She said I know I don't know why he brought us I laughed and said it doesn't bother me it just suprised me. We both started to and walked inside of the school building and walked to our classes for the day. We sat in classes and did nothing but we also watched a couple movies which was fun I guess but also boring. Me and Lilly talked about what we were going to do tonight and we laughed at dumb shit for no reason. We also talked to a couple of other classmates and they laughed as well.

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