Me and Andy both walked outside and he closed the front door. I felt a sting against my ass and I jumped and turned around. Andy was playfully smiling I said what the fuck. He said thats wat you get for that snarky ass remark. I smiled and said oops my bad. I walked over to andy and grabbed his face and pulled him closer and kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss quickly he picked me up and we walked over to the car. He leaned me against the car and started kissing me passionately as well. I moaned slightly into the kiss and andy soon moaned slightly as well. After our steamy make out session. Andy rested his head against mine and smiled. He said remember I love you so fucking much ok lacey. I smiled and said I also love you so fucking much Andrew and we both smiled at each other. He put me down and we both got into the car. Andy locked the door I said sooo where are we going Andy looked at me and smiled. I said oh no andy where are we going andy smiled and said we are going to drive around town with the windows down like Saturday night. I bit my lip and smiled and pulled andy close and kissed him and andy smiled back at me. We both put our seat belts on and andy started the car. After andy turned the car on andy rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and we backed out the driveway. Andy turned the radio up a little bit and I started smiling and so did andy and he looked back at the road. We started driving down the highway and the breeze felt really good on my skin and I smiled. It was a really warm and beautiful night. There were no clouds or rain coming it was just perfect. Andy started going faster and I laughed I felt free again like I had no worries. Andy quickly slowed down and we both started laughing. Andy said that was really fucking fun I said yea it was and we both enjoyed each other's company for the night. We drove around for a while until we had to go back. The drive home was nice and relaxing but also kinda sad at the same time. I was sad because I knew this was only a temporary relief from my reality at home. We got back to my house 20 minutes later I gave andy a kiss and told him bye. I got out the car and went inside and closed the door and andy drove off. My mom was waiting up for me and we both went to bed I used the restroom then charged my phone and layed down. Andy texted me that he got home and thats when I fell asleep.

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