My week at school has been hella boring. We did a couple tests yesterday it was Thursday. Now its a beautiful Friday morning. I woke up in a good mood which is really weird for me but oh well. No one knows me and Andy had sex when I slept at Lillys house that night. I think that is why I woke up in a good mood. My mom never asked me what me and Lilly did at her house so I never told her anything. Lilly still doesn't know that we did anything at least I hope not. I mean she does kinda ship me with her dad anyway lmaooo I guess you can say I fucked my best friends dad and my idol which is a win win for me 🤣🤣. I went downstairs smiling for no reason. My mom said why are you happy I looked at her and said wat. She said I'm happy that you are happy I just didn't know why you were happy. I laughed and said because its the weekend and she said ok. I changed into shorts and a my chemical romance shirt and put on my vans and grabbed my phone and back pack I also grabbed my earbuds and headed downstairs. Lilly honked her horn I told my mom bye and love you and closed the door. I yelled at Lilly STOP HONKING THE DAMN HORN YOU BITCH. I got in and she started laughing I said love u too. She said I love you more lacey and I laughed also. She got both of us coffee and we jammed out on the way to school. We were both excited because it was Friday and we didn't really do anything on Friday's. We were both laughing and smiling and talking about what we were doing this weekend. I called my mom and asked her if I could go to lillys house this weekend and she said yes. We also called andy and he said yes. After school me and Lilly are going stop by the store to get snacks and some face masks and are going to have a spa night. We are also planning on get face wash and possibly some hair dye. My eyes are blue so I was gonna dye my hair black. Lilly had some old shirts we were going to use we also were planning on buying hair masks as well. Lilly said she was also gonna dye her hair black her eyes were a bright blue like andys which were really pretty. We finally drove up to school I texted Lilly a list of things we needed her dad said to come home so he could give us money and she said ok sounds good. We walked into school and I can't wait for it to be over with already. 3 excruciating hours later we were done we stopped by their house first to get the money. Then we stopped by the store and picked up the goods then headed to my house to get my stuff then go back to lillys house and start our hella fun weekend.

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