I woke up at 4 am and groaned fuckkkk why am I awake right now. I played on my phone for a couple minutes the got up. I used the restroom and drank some dr. Pepper and I layed back in my bed. I fell asleep at 4:30 am. I really hoped I didn't wake back up before my mom wakes me up because I am fucking exhausted right now. A couple hours later at 6 am my mom woke me up unfortunately. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and I yawned and stretched and my mom closed my door. I got up and used my restroom and then turned on music to help wake me up more. I finally woke up a little bit and got ready for school it was Tuesday unfortunately ONLY TUESDAY like um wtfff why can't school just end already. I wore leggings and a hoodie today because fuck it who am I trying to impress I mean I already have a boyfriend so no one. I walked downstairs to wait for andy to come pick me up. I sat downstairs on the couch and played on my phone till they got here. A little while later andy texted me and said they were there. I said ok and got up and walked out the door and said love you guys bye. They all said bye and love you too and I closed the door and walked to andys car. I walked over to andys car and got in and closed the door.

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