I was minding my own business Lucy walked up to me and said hey lacey. I looked up and said oh hey Lucy what do you want. Lucy said you should start wearing makeup you would look a lot better. I said ok thanks I'll think about that but probably not. She said a lot more guys would talk to you. I said no I'm good I don't want any guys attention. Lucy laughed and said ok it was just a helpful tip but ok be ugly for the rest of your life. She walked away laughing I said thanks and said ugh bitch and continued looking at my phone. A couple minutes later someone grabbed me and I jumped and hit them and I heard a groan. Andys groan I looked up and said fuckkk andy are you ok. Andy laughed and said yea I'm fine I gave him a hug and said you scared me. Andy laughed and said yea I know I kept apologizing but andy said it's fine. Lilly walked with us to the car Lilly got in the car. I quickly gave andy a kiss and said I love u andy. Andy smiled and said I love you too lacey and laughed and so did I. We all got into the car and drove to my house I ended up listening to Robbers on repeat the whole time while driving back to my house. Andy dropped me off he decided to walk me to the front door I  smiled while holding his hand. Me and Andy walked up to the front door andy leaned closer and kissed me and I grabbed his jeans and pulled him closer and he moaned slightly into the kiss and I smiled. I rested my head against his I said I love you so much Andy Biersack. Andy smiled and said I love you more lacey Biersack and he bit his lip. I grabbed his arms and kissed him passionately a couple seconds later we pulled back. Andy said I should get going I said yea bye Andy said bye back and walked away. I knocked on the door and opened it and walked inside and locked the door. I took off my shoes and went upstairs to put my bag down and use the restroom. After I used the restroom I went into my room and changed my clothes into something comfy. I went downstairs and made some food every one was in the living room I stayed in the kitchen and ate some food. After I ate I hung out with my family for a while. After that I went upstairs and brushed my teeth and went into my room and chilled on my phone in my bed. I plugged it in and tried to get some sleep a little while later after that.

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