We all chilled on the couch busting our asses laughing. Lilly said I'm fucking sorry for sneezing on you we just all couldn't breathe. I said oh my God and was finally able to breathe again andy sighed and I looked at him. He was just staring at the ceiling I said wat andy said no I just can't believe it's been 4 months of us being gone already. I said well your home now he looked at me and smiled and said yea your right I laughed and said I know I am and smiled. Andy laughed and said yep you know your right and I smiled against his chest. Andy smelled really good I held his hand and smiled he leaned down and kissed my head. Lilly and Cc were laughing for I don't know what reason. We all chilled on the couch till we all got hungry and went into the kitchen to cook. Andy and Cc sat at the island and me and Lilly started cooking food and listening to music and laughing at the same time. We got done cooking an hour later and gave the guys food and they both really enjoyed it. Me and Lilly were both surprised by how good the food was and we laughed and we both did the dishes together. After that we went back into the living room and hung out with the guys. Andy and Cc were on the couch laughing with each other me and Lilly just said ok and laughed. Me and Lilly both hoped on the couch and cuddled together and laughed andy and Cc looked at us and said awww our babies and we laughed together. I said ughhhh school is Monday Lilly said ewww shut up and we both laughed our assses off. We all just chilled in the living room I said well I'm excited to graduate high school andy said maybe after you guys graduate we could go on a family vacation I said yea sure you would just talk to my parents Andy said yea lmao I know babe I laughed and said yea I know and laughed. Lilly laughed and said YEAY BITCHES THIS IS A MOTHER FUCKIN BIERSACK ROADTRIP WOHHH. We all started laughing and andy said helll yea a BIERSACK MOTHER FUCKIN ROADTRIP. I started laughing so hard I almost fell off the damn couch andy started laughing his ass off. We all hung out in the living room all day and ate dinner we watched movies then went upstairs at 1 am. Me and Andy cuddled while watching movies I fell asleep against his chest and he kissed my head and said good night babe and he fell asleep and started snoring lightly.

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