I woke up and groaned fuckkkk I opened my eyes and saw andy sleeping. I completely forgot he stayed the night I just smiled and bit my lip. I checked his phone it said 1 am I was ummm wat the fuckkkk. I got up and used the restroom and went back into my room after I brushed my teeth. Andy was still sleeping in my bed and I smiled and said aw my baby and laughed quietly. Andy stirred in his sleep and I didn't move because I didn't want to wake him up. I carefully crawled back into bed and snuggled against andys chest he woke up and said you got up. I looked at him and said yea I had to pee he laughed and said oh ok I didn't know you got up what time is it. I said 1 am he laughed and said oh hell no and I laughed and layed back down against his chest and fell asleep. I fell asleep and woke up again and groaned fuckkkk I checked my phone it said 2 am I said are you fucking kidding me and I rolled my eyes. I got out of my bed and went into the bathroom and used it and went back into my bedroom and climbed back into my bed and sighed andy was sleeping peacefully and snoring lightly. I decided to grab my phone and go downstairs and chill outside. I headed downstairs and put on my shoes I walked over to the front door and unlocked it and went outside and closed the door I sat down on the front porch it was a really beautiful night. The breeze felt really good against my skin I looked up and saw the moon and I smiled because it was pretty I took a picture of it and then I took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. A little while later Andy came outside and said um wat the fuck I said I couldn't sleep he said ok and sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head and I smiled and rested my head against his shoulder and smiled and so did andy. I said andy he said yea babe I said welll I have been thinking and he said ok I said I want to break up. Andy said wat and moved he said why I said I don't know I just want to do my own thing he said lacey plz I said I'm really sorry and I got up and went into the house and closed the door. I started crying a little while later andy walked back into the house and sat in front of me he said hey hun we can work through this I want to be with you. I said no andy I want to be on my own without you his eyes started watering I handed him the ring back and gave him one last kiss and he got up and grabbed his stuff and got Lilly and left. I walked back into my room and unpacked the boxes and sighed I saw the pictures of me and Andy. Everyone woke up and I went downstairs and started crying they said what's wrong I said I broke up with andy they said wait why I said I don't know I just guess I want to be on my own now they said ok and gave me a hug. We all hung out for the day andy kept calling me I only talked to lilly but not andy. Lilly said babe wat happened I said I don't know I just wanna be on my own I guess she said ok I love you we will still be friends I smiled and said ok. A little while later I stopped crying but the memories of me and Andy wouldn't stop replaying in my head. I went to my room and fell asleep at around 3 am.

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