I was sad that I had to leave andy and lillys house. But my mom wanted me to come home so I had to leave. Me and Andy jammed out to the radio. He rolled the windows and the sun roof down. It was a really bright and sunny day today. He was wearing sunglasses and he gave me his other pair. He decided to take the long way home so we could spend more time together which I didn't mind. He held my hand the whole time which made me smile. My hair was blowing in the wind and the breeze felt really nice today. We had to stop at a red light unfortunately. Andy kissed my hand and he said I love you lacey. I said I love you more andy and he smiled and looked back at the road. Every time he smiled my heart would always skip a beat. I had my rested against the seat while listening to music. Andy sung a couple songs and I smiled while watching him be absolutely adorable. My heart started to break because I knew I had to go home but I didn't want to. It took us 30 minutes to get back to my house. Andy said Im taking the short way home when I drop you off and I laughed and said I bet. We got to my house we both took off our sunglasses. Andy rolled up the windows and closed the sun roof. He turned off the car and we got out together. Andy opened his trunk and got my stuff out I grabbed my purse and phone and closed the door and sighed. He walked over to me and lifted my head and kissed me and I smiled against his lips. He let my face go and we walked to the door andy locked his car and stayed behind me. I knocked on the door and my dad answered and said oh hey guys come in. Andy followed after me and my dad closed the door. I told them I'm going put my stuff in My room and they said ok. Andy followed me to my room I put my purse on the bed and andy put my other bags on my bed. I turned to him and sighed he said I know babe. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer and put his head on my shoulder. He kissed my shoulder and said Lacey plz remember how fucking much I love you. I smiled and said plz remember how fucking much I love u too Andy and he smiled and said I will don't worry. We stood there for a couple minutes and he pulled back and rested his head against mine and said I have to go unfortunately I said I know. He said yea I'm not excited about going home alone I said same and he stayed in front of me. I leaned closer to his face and kissed him he put his hand against my face and kissed me back. We pulled back and he said I have to go Lacey and he looked at me I rested my hand on his chest and said ok good bye Andrew. I looked at him and he said I don't ever want to here you say goodbye. I said ok and smiled and said I love you andy. He smiled and said that's better and he said I love you too Lacey. I took my shoes off and followed Andy downstairs and he walked to the door and turned around. He said I hope you aren't busy next weekend I said I hope not either and he smiled and walked outside and closed the door. My eyes started watering and I yelled ANDREW WAIT. He opened the door and saw my eyes he said babe I ran to him and he closed the door and I ran into his arms. I cried into his chest and said plz Don't ever leave me. He said I promise I won't and he placed a kiss on my head and held me tightly. He said babe I have to go and I said I know. I really didn't want to let go of him. My mom said lacey Andy has to go home and spend time with Lilly and I started shaking against him. He said fuckk I don't want to let you go but I have to. I finally let go of andy and my eyes were red and puffy. He cupped my face and he kissed me and I grabbed his shirt to cling onto him. He let go and said I love u so fucking much. I said I love you so fucking much Andrew Dennis Biersack he smiled and laughed a little. He said alright I have to go now so don't cry I said too late bitch and started laughing and so did andy. He said oh God well I have to go bye I said bye in a weak voice. He quickly walked outside and closed the door and he left my world stopped every time I wasn't with him. I turned around and walked over to the couch and sat down. My mom said lacey I said huh. She said are you and andy dating. I said no we aren't she said are you sure I said yea we aren't why. She said oh I didn't know because you guys act like you are. I said no all my step siblings looked at me. I put my head down and said I wish we were though. I hung out downstairs with my family for a little while then I went upstairs to charge my phone and unpack my clothes from the weekend. After I finished putting everything up I layed down in my bed and played on my phone for the rest of the evening. My step dad tried me good night and everyone else went to bed. I got up and used the restroom then came back and told Andy and Lilly good night and love you. I stayed on my phone for a little longer and looked at the pictures I posted on Instagram from this weekend and I smiled while doing so. I ended up falling asleep at 11 pm for the night.

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