Chapter 8

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When me and Hina walked back to class after PE, we were still chatting about my sex bucket list.

"I left it in my bag, I'll show you." I told her as we entered our classroom.

I walked over to my desk and started looking for the sheet of paper, except... it wasn't in my bag anymore.

"Is this what you're looking for?" Someone taunted behind my back.

Turning around, my eyes dropped to my list a girl from my class was holding.

"Give it back, Mitsuki."

I reached out a hand to take it but she raised her arm above her head. Because she was taller than me, she didn't have to try really hard to keep me from reaching the paper she was holding in her hand.

Our other classmates started walking in, forming a crowd of avid watchers around me and Mistuki.

She snickered as she read the title out loud for everyone to hear. " Sex Bucket List," Her gaze came up from the sheet of paper to me and she smirked. "That sure is interesting."

"I swear to god," I gritted. "if you don't give it back to me right now-"

"What?" She mocked. "You're gonna call your little boyfriend?" She feigned remembance, covering her mouth with her hand and giving me a fake pity look. "Oh no, that's right. He's not your boyfriend anymore. Oops."

I glared at her as she continued taunting me, "You know what? I think I might shoot my shot with him."

"You should, I heard he has a thing for skanks like you." I spat.

Her eyes narrowed to slits. "What did you just call me?"

"You heard me." I replied, holding her gaze.

She quickly raised her arm to slap me but before she could, Draken appeared behind her back. He caught her by the wrist to stop her.

"Do this and it'll be the last time you use your hand." He warned her before stealing my list from her hand.

Mitsuki scurried back to her desk and the crowd of students slowly dissipated as everyone went back to their own desk.

"Thanks." I gave Draken a grateful smile as our teacher walked in.

Draken and I took our seats. I held my hand out so that he could give me my list back but I saw that he was busy reading the title. His lips parted in surprise, and my heartbeat picked up a pace.

"Draken, give it back." I whispered.

His eyes slid from the paper to me and I watched as he grabbed a pen to write something on the list. Once he was done, he handed the list back to me.

It was my turn to look at the paper in front of me with wide eyes. A rich blush bloomed across my face while I read what Draken had added.

Classroom desk sex

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