Part 2 - Chapter 2

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I'm not sure how I let Draken and Mitsuya convince me to go with them to a Toman gathering, especially considering how tired I felt after my flight and how reticent I was to the idea of seeing Mikey again. But here I was, walking alongside Draken, Mitsuya, Takemichi and Hina, towards the group of bikers who all wore the same familiar black uniform with golden letters.

The gathering was about to start. The air was humming with anticipation as the gang members waited for their blond leader to climb onto the stage in front of them. For now, he was standing with his group of friends. The Kawata twins were the first to notice us as we approached. Smiley's constant grin widened a little more -which I thought was impossible – and Angry pointed a finger at us. "Y/N and Hina are back!"

Chifuyu, Baji, Hakkai, Peh, Pah all turned to us. It took a few seconds longer to Mikey to turn around as If he needed a moment to gather the courage to face me. I avoided his gaze, deciding to focus on his friends instead. Mostly Chifuyu and Baji as they were the ones I felt the closest to. 

They both walked up to me. Chifuyu pulled me into a hug while Baji stayed behind.

"Good to see you again." Chifuyu whispered in my ear.

"You too." I replied while my gaze unwillingly slid to Mikey over his shoulder.

The last words I'd uttered to him thundered in my head. 'I hate to break it to you, but I just used you for my list.' Looking back on it, I might have been a little cruel. But was what I had done to him worse than what he'd done to me? I mean, he cheated on me with multiple girls for a year. In return, I secretly slept with Draken, his best friend, had outercourse with Baji, his other best friend, and I fucked two of his worst enemies, Hanma and Rindou. 

I'd say we're even.

But then why did I still feel something when our eyes locked? Was it guilt, regret, nostalgia, or something completely different?

My attention was drawn back to Chifuyu as we pulled part.

"You look good." He complimented me with a smile.

Baji nodded behind him, his brown eyes slowly sweeping me from head to toe. "She does."

When his warm gaze came up to mine again, I knew we were thinking about the same thing.

Him, giving me his hoodie so I could avoid Mikey. Us, together in the school bathroom, his hands on me and-

No. I shook my head, coming back to reality. 

There would be no more sleeping around this year, and if there was, it definitely wouldn't be with Mikey's friends anymore. I had been lucky that he hadn't found out everything I'd done and who I had done it with, but I wouldn't be this lucky twice.

Suddenly, Hina shouted, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What the hell is this?"

Everyone turned to her. She had grabbed Takemichi's phone and now, her gaze was bouncing from the screen to her boyfriend's face which was quickly turning sheet-white.

"Who's that girl?" She shouted again and my heart skipped a beat.

Oh no. What the hell did you do, Takemichi?

"Come over tonight again. My parents aren't home. I want you." Hina read the texts out loud and the boys all exchanged looks.

Of course, they knew about this. I bet Takemichi had even bragged about his conquests to them when we weren't there.

Tears welled in Hina's brown eyes. She slapped her boyfriend – sorry, ex-boyfriend – across his face, and then stomped away, holding her chin high despite the tears that were now rolling down her cheeks. I followed her, placing a soothing hand on her back as we walked away from the gathering.


Two girls. One crying in her bed, the other trying to be comfort her friend. I was getting déjà vu. Except this time, Hina was the one crying over a cheater while I was the one passing the tissues.

"I- I knew s-something w-was w-wrong. I just k-knew it" She uttered between her sobs.

I used the exact same words she'd used when I had just caught Mikey cheating on me with another girl. "Just give me the word and I'll cut his dick." 

She laughed a little at that. Wiping her tears with the sleeves of her sweater, she looked at me. "Maybe I should do the same thing you did."

"You mean, a 'sex bucket list'?" I asked and she nodded in response. "I don't know, Hina... That doesn't really seem like something you would do."

"That didn't seem like something you would do either but you liked it, right?"

"That's true." I admitted.

"No, no. You're right..." She sighed, dropping her gaze to her bed. "It's not like me."

After a few seconds, she looked back up, her eyes now twinkling with determination. "I should find myself a better boyfriend. Someone smarter, funnier, braver, hotter, taller-"

"I think I get the idea." I interrupted her, chuckling. "I'll help you, Hina."

That night, when I got back to my apartment, I rummaged through my bedroom to find my Sex Bucket List. I laid down on my bed, wondering if I'd have things to add to it this year or if, like Hina, I should try to find myself a boyfriend and settle down.

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