End part 3

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You thought you were getting a happy ending without another plot twist? Well,... sike. Turns out I might just be a Ken Wakui's kinnie. Trust me, I'm not proud of it.

If you're interested in reading a part 4 for this story, don't hesitate to leave a comment. If I do choose to write a part 4, the story would probably follow the arc of the three deities and the latest arc of the manga. Y/N could interact with new characters like Senju, Waka, Benkei, Takeomi, Terrano South and of course all of the other characters she has already interacted with as well (Draken, Mikey, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Ran, Rindou, Hina, etc...). Either that or I was also thinking of maybe writing a few more chapters about Y/N's life between the announcement of her pregnancy to Mikey and Rindou, her wedding with Rindou, and her life with Mikey raising their kids. Let me know what you're more interested in reading.

I have gotten a few negative comments about my story and my writing of Y/N or TR characters, so I just wanted to clear a few things up:

· About the TR characters, I feel like, as a fanfiction author, it's normal for me to let my imagination run wild so I can imagine what their personalities would be like or what past they might have had, especially if that information isn't given in the anime, the mangas or the characters book. But of course, my interpretation of these characters might be different from someone else's and I think it's okay for everybody to have different opinions.

· As for Y/N, I did realize that I had given her some characteristics – about her past, personality or appearance – that not all of the readers can relate to, which is why, at the end of part 2 of the story, I asked you – the readers – if you thought I should make Y/N an OC character and give her a name and everything. But the majority of the readers replied that they would prefer for me to keep using Y/N, so I did. But I really hate writing generic characters so I tried to make Y/N a likeable, multifaceted character. I tried to make her funny without being overly sarcastic or a clown. I tried to make her strong, but not unbelievably stronger than other TR characters because I didn't want it to be 'unrealistic', and I tried to make her generous and nice without being TOO nice or naïve.

· With that being said, I always accept constructive criticism. It's just that some of those comments that I've read were just rude and not constructive at all. So I blocked those users and deleted those comments because it does take a toll on my motivation and I really enjoyed writing this fanfic so I didn't want to stop just because of those comments.

I can't believe that what was orignally supposed to just be a smut story turned into this long-ass story but I love it. Thank you for sticking with me and the story up to this point.

If you've liked this story so far, don't hesitate to tell me, it's super motivating ! And again, thank you for your support♡

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