Part 3 - Chapter 3

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"You don't seem very happy to see us." Rindou commented.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Should I be thanking you for breaking into my fucking house?" I fumed while Ran tightened his arms around me as if he was scared I'd try to jump off his lap and bolt out of the bedroom again.

Rindou's breath exhaled on a laugh as he stared down at me. "You haven't changed."

Ran reached one arm around me to grab my chin. He gently tipped my face towards him until he could gaze into my eyes over my shoulder.

"We missed you," he whispered, his breath caressing the side of my cheek.

They missed me? Are they fucking kidding me?

5 years ago, after I caught Mitsuya calling the police on Ran and Rindou because he was jealous of my relationship with them, I was furious. I didn't talk to my him for weeks. Then Mikey disbanded Toman and disappeared god knows where. My life was thrown upside down.

During the first year the brothers spent in prison, I sent them letters every single month. I usually wrote letters to the two of them, but sometimes I'd dedicate a letter to Rindou only. I hadn't realized it until then, but they had become a part of my life, and I missed them. Some days a little bit, other days like crazy.

A year later and after not having gotten a reply to any of the 12 letters I had sent Ran and Rindou, I finally forgave Mitsuya. The brothers' absence, their radio silence, Toman's disbandment and Mikey's sudden leave had left a void in my life that only Mitsuya could have filled.

I accepted to go on a date with Mitsuya, and then I slowly fell in love with him. But I knew that being in a relationship with him meant I had to give up on any type of relationship I might have wanted to pursue with Rindou and Ran because the two would simply never be compatible. Considering the fact that the two brothers hadn't replied to any of my letters, I doubted they'd care anyway.

But now they had entered my life again and they had broken into my house. Twice. All of that after five years of having ignored me. And they were saying that they missed me? That's just fucking hypocritical.

I jerked my chin free of Ran's hold and looked back to Rindou who was now leaning his back against the wall, his arms folded over his chest.

"Five years." He started, a hint of resentment seeping through his low, deep voice. "I waited, you know. We waited. Until the last week, we thought you might try to contact us."

Anger simmered in my veins. Was this his way to put the blame on me? By pretending that I'm the one who didn't reach out to them? Fuck them. I wasn't going to play whatever twisted game this was.

"I thought you liked me." He added.

Of course I liked him, and I might have fallen in love with him if things had gone differently. If he hadn't been taken to prison and if we had gone on our date like we were supposed to. Or if he had replied to one my goddamn letters.

So I threw the only thing I had kept reminding myself anytime I missed them too much in his face. "You killed a man."


"So?" I repeated in disbelief. "So that changed the way I see you, Rindou!"

He shrugged. "I had already killed that man when you fell for me."

"You fell for me. Not the opposite." I shot back.

He clenched his jaw but kept holding my gaze, not once taking his eyes off mine.

I sucked in a sharp breath, feeling Ran slip a hand under my silk tank top. His fingers grazed my stomach, back and forth. I tried to squirm but his hand left my stomach and curled around the front of my neck. He pulled me back to him, pressing my back flush against his chest as he kept his other arm tightly wrapped around my waist to keep me from moving.

"Is that why you never tried to contact us, love?" He whispered in my ear. "Because you think we're monsters for what we did?"

"W-what?" Wait. So they're actually convinced I never sent them any letter?

Rindou pushed off the wall and walked up to us. He went to stand in front of us and, bracing his warm hands on my thighs, he leaned down until his lips were a hairs width apart from mine.

"One letter..." Staring into my eyes, he slowly trailed his hands higher up my legs the same way Mitsuya had earlier this evening. "You could have at least sent us one fucking letter-"

"I did!" I cut him off.

"Really?" Ran asked. My eyes fluttered shut as I felt him graze the side of my neck with his lips. "Then why did we never receive it, love?"

"I don't know!" I whimpered, peeling my eyes open.

The two brothers exchanged a glance. Then Rindou leaned back up, took a step back, and nodded for his brother to let go of me. As soon as Ran's arms loosened around me, I immediately got off his lap and turned around, stumbling back as he rose to his full height in front of me. Is it me or is he even taller than before?

I whirled around and came face to face with Rindou who was still standing behind me. I was now sandwiched between the two brothers. Awesome.

"We still have to go on a date, remember?" Rindou reminded me, smirking.

"I have a boyfriend now." I bit out.

His smirk wavered at the mention of Mitsuya.

"Yeah." He snorted, looking off to the side as he ran a palm across his mouth. "A boyfriend who doesn't fuck your anytime you want him to."

I felt my entire face turn a bright shade of red at his crude language and as the realization that they had watched a rather intimate moment between Mitsuya and I dawned on me. Instinctively, I clenched my thighs together which Rindou noticed, his gaze travelling down my body.

"Is that really the kind of boyfriend you want?" He asked in a low voice, his gaze slowly coming up to my face until his eyes met mine again.

He placed a hand on my waist but I swatted his hand away, narrowing my eyes at him. "What I want is for you two to get out of here and stop breaking into our house."

'Our'... Rindou's eyes darkened at the word. 

There was an 'our' for Mitsuya and me now. Not for Rindou and me, or for him, me and his brother. Not anymore.

Rindou returned my gaze for a moment longer before tearing his eyes away from mine to glance at his brother over my head. "Let's go."

They walked out of my bedroom but Rindou paused in the doorway, shooting me a look over his shoulder. "We'll see each other very soon."

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