Part 2 - Chapter 34

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The fight between Tenjiku and Toman broke out in the blink of an eye, and before I knew it, I was in the middle of the melee.

Mitsuya screamed my name as he ran towards me, but right as he was about to reach me, Ran jumped out of nowhere. Mitsuya was so focused on me that he didn't even notice the Haitani who had his arm raised in the air, ready to strike Mitsuya's head with his steel baton.

"Watch out!" I screamed.

Mitsuya's head snapped in Ran's direction, and he managed to duck right before getting struck. Then he finally reached me, stopping at my side as we both watched Ran.

"Y/N..." The older Haitani drawled out my name. "You just ruined my fun, love." He grinned, swinging his steel baton over his shoulder and placing his free hand over his hip.

Wait. Where's Rindou? Ran and him never stay very far away from each other.

I was looking around for him when I heard his deep voice behind me.

"Looking for someone?"

I whirled around, finding Rindou standing a few meters away behind me. He adjusted his white gloves on his hands as he slowly strode around Mitsuya and I to go stand next to his brother.

"You deal with Ran, I'll deal with Rindou." I whispered to Mitsuya who nodded once in agreement.

Ran and Rindou were smirking at us with a challenge in their eyes. I knew them enough to guess they were going to try to get a rise out of Mitsuya so he would act recklessly. I just hoped their tactics wouldn't work. Mitsuya and I were a good team, a great team even, but I didn't know if we could compare to the inseparable duo the two Haitanis formed.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N..." Ran started, tapping the tip of his steel baton against the palm of his hand three times.

"I was sad to see you were gone when I woke up this morning." Rindou mused, his face adorned with a smirk.

"That's where you were last night?" Mitsuya grit out, shooting me a quick look.

"Don't react. They're just trying to distract you." I warned.

"Oh." Rindou cocked his head to the side a little bit. "You haven't told Mitsuya?"

"Told me what?" Mitsuya bit out.

"She lovessss spending time with us." Ran taunted, sounding cocky.

"Oh, yeah." Rindou teased. "She loves wearing our clothes-"

"And eating breakfast with us-"

"And sleeping in our bed-"

"And fucking us-"

"Fuckers!" Before I could tell him not to, Mitsuya had lunged at Ran. He managed to punch him in the stomach, but Ran immediately swung his baton at Mitsuya's head, sending him tumbling to the side.

"Mitsuya!" I called out as he leaned back up, but the next second, he was carelessly lunging at Ran again.

"Focus on me, YN." Rindou snapped, making me look back at him. "You're mine to deal with today."

He ran up to me and swung at me. I ducked just in time before his fist connected with my face. The next second, I was being yanked forward by the hand he had suddenly wrapped around my throat, my face a few centimeters apart from Rindou's. His leather glove rubbed against my neck painfully, and I winced.

"Careful there." I panted, my breath falling across his lips. "You don't want to kill the girl you're in love with, do you?"

His eyes widened when he realized I had heard him confess his feelings for me to his brother last night. I felt a little bad to use it to distract him now, but Izana had taught me that all was fair in love and war.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." He grumbled.

"Yeah," I smirked. "But I did."

I lifted my leg and hit him in the balls with my knee. He grunted in pain and immediately let go of my throat as he stumbled back. I held a hand to my neck to rub the red mark he had left on my skin while searching Mitsuya and Ran in the crowd of fighting gang members. Ran and Mitsuya were now a few meters away, both putting up a good fight against each other, although Ran seemed to be taking the lead. I had taken a step towards them, ready to come to Mitsuya's rescue, when a hand curled around my neck. I was pulled backward, my back pressing against a chest.

"Why don't you ever fucking listen?" Rindou growled behind me, burying his face in my hair. "You're mine to deal with today, got it?"

His hand tightened around my throat again, but he never applied enough pressure to completely cut off my airway. Ran was right: Rindou was going easy on me, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

I cocked my elbow and threw it back to kick Rindou's face with it.

"Fuck!" He groaned in pain and let go of me.

Quickly spinning around, I faced Rindou who was now grabbing his bleeding nose with both hands. Before he could recover, I ran up to him and, lifting my leg, I kicked my foot out to hit him in the chest. He stumbled back and fell to the ground. I immediately sank down on to him to straddle his chest, but I had moved so fast that I had lost my balance a little bit. Rindou took advantage of that. He rolled us over and locked my wrists above my head, straddling my lap. I thrashed under him, trying to kick him with my legs.

Blood trailed from his nose and landed on my face. One drop slowly trickled down my upper lip and into my mouth. The second the metallic, salty taste filled my mouth, my whole body stilled under Rindou's. In an instant, my mind was brought back to Baji and the last kiss we had shared before he died.

Blood. Blood. So much blood.

"Hey." Rindou's hold tightened around my wrists, trying to bring me back to the present moment. But other images of Baji invaded my mind.

Baji coughing up blood. Baji with a knife in his stomach.

"Hey!"Rindou shouted this time. He let go of one of my wrists and clasped my chin in an attempt to catch my attention. "Focus!"

I glanced up at him through my tears, my vision getting blurry.

"Come on! Fight me!" He bellowed, his tone turning amost pleading.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Baji. Baji. Baji-

"Fuck it." Rindou let go of my other wrist to wrap both arms around me and, placing one hand at the back of my neck, he lifted me and pulled my body up to his, burying my face into his chest. "Come on, Y/N." He pleaded, smoothing the back of my hair with his hand while I desperately tried to catch my breath.

"Baji" His name left my lips in a murmur, and I felt Rindou still.

For a few seconds, he didn't move, but then in an instant, he had gotten off of me. Then he grabbed me by the collar of my Toman jacket to lift me to my feet, bringing us nose to nose.

"Do you really think Baji would be proud of you right now, hmm? Crying in the middle of a fight? Being fucking weak?" He cupped my cheek and wiped a tear with his thumb, and the contrast between his harsh words and his gentle touch gave me whiplash. "I bet he'd be really fucking disappointed in you-"

"Fuck you" I spat out and slapped him across the face. His head slammed to the left, and I breathed hard, bracing myself for the way he would retaliate. But when he slowly turned his head to me, the corners of his mouth had curled up, and he looked... proud?

"Good to have you back." He grinned as he used the sleeve of his Tenjiku jacket to wipe the blood from under his nose.

"You..." My chest shook as I laughed in disbelief. "You're an asshole."

Rindou adjusted his gloves on his hands, his lips spreading a little more. "Please do that again."

"What? Slap you in the face? No thanks, I don't like hitting girls." I taunted.

He poked the inside of his cheek with the tip of his tongue, his gaze turning amused. "No. Laugh."

"Oh, trust me I'll laugh again." I raised my hands in front of me, taking up a fighting stance. "After I beat you."

Rindou mirrored my position, raising his fists in front of him. "Deal."

Right as we were about to go at it again, we heard one, two, then three gunshots, and everyone around us seemed to freeze.

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