Part 3 - Chapter 11

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The more time passed, the harder it became to resist the urge to check the texts Mitsuya had sent me. Despite how mad I was at him, I missed him and we had only been separated for like a day. I felt pathetic.

On top of that, Rindou and the woman who had called him 'daddy' were still having breakfast in front of me. I would sometimes risk a quick glance at them. She was fluttering her lashes at him and watching him eat while he did his best at ignoring her. 

When she finally left 15 minutes later, I couldn't help but mock Rindou who was still sitting at the kitchen island.

" 'Daddy', hmm?" I taunted. "Didn't peg you as the type of man who liked to be called that."

"That's because I don't like to be called that." He replied, standing up from his bar stool.

He stalked around the kitchen island and stopped behind me. His chest pressed against my back as he reached around me to grab an apple from the fruit bowl in front of me.

"It did sound good when you said it, though." His breath brushed my temple and I could almost feel the smile that stretched his lips against my skin. "So please, feel free to call me that if you want."

Keeping my face impassive and my eyes on my papers, I pretended not to be disturbed by his proximity as I answered, "I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than ever call you that."

He briefly dipped his head  in the crook of my neck as his breath exhaled on a laugh. Then he straightened up and took a step away from me. His mood had considerably improved since he had noticed I wasn't wearing Mitsuya's ring.

"What do you like to call your partner then?" He asked, leaning into the kitchen island next to me and studying the side of my face as he took a first bite of his apple.

I wanted to retort that it was none of his business because I was still mad at him for lying to me about Mitsuya and Yuzuha, but I intended on making him pay any way I could. That included turning him on without any intention of doing anything about it.

"Hmmm, Let me think." I chewed on my bottom lip while I pretended to think. "I don't know..." I mused innocently. "But 'daddy'...?" I slightly slurred the word and looked up at the ceiling as I pretended to think again.

His gaze sparked. His jaw clenched. His chest heaved with an uneven breath. Got you. His eyes paced between my lips to my eyes and, willingly or not, he started leaning closer.

"You think Mitsuya would like to be called that?" I asked, stopping him in an instant.

I snorted at the sudden change of expression on his face. Apparently, nothing was more efficient to turn him off than to mention my relationship with Mitsuya. 

"Fuck." He groaned, dipping his head forward and resting his forehead against my shoulder. "I don't like hearing his name on your lips."

I fought back an amused smile as he leaned back up.

"But at least you're not wearing his ring anymore. And soon I'll make you forget all about him." He stated confidently before taking another bite of his apple.

Seeing him so sure of himself immediately revived the anger I felt for him.

I narrowed my eyes and spoke without thinking. "What makes you think I won't forgive him?"

I realized the mistake I had made when he stopped chewing, his brows knitting together. 

"Forgive him for what?" He asked, setting his apple back down on the counter.

Shit, I forgot he doesn't know about the letters. Of course he doesn't. If he did, he would probably have already killed Mitsuya by now. He probably just thinks I rejected Mitsuya's proposal.

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