Part 4 - Chapter 6

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The next morning, I'm exhausted. I spent most of my night studying for my algebra test. I've tried to solve equations and failed almost every time. It's official: I'm hopeless.

I'm going to need a miracle to pass that test, I think to myself as I halt on the sidewalk, stopped by the red traffic light ahead.

"Need a ride?" A familiar voice asks.

I turn my head to the left and meet Izana's gaze. He's sitting on his motorbike on the road, stopped by the red traffic light like I am.

"Great. Just what I needed," I mutter under my breath, bringing my gaze ahead of me.

"So, have you decided if you'll come at our party tonight?" He asks.

"I have," I answer without looking at him.


"And I'm not coming."

"Come on, new girl. I'll do anything for you to come."

I'm gritting my teeth at the nickname he gave me, when slowly, an idea forms in my mind. I turn my head to him again, a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips.



Everyone is sitting at their desks, writing their names on the math tests the teacher just handed out. I'm nervously bouncing my leg up and down, chewing on my pen.

Is Izana actually going to go through with it?

Right on cue, the piercing sound of the fire alarm fills the room, and the teacher instructs, "Everyone, stay calm! Leave your belongings here and walk out quietly in a line."

Following the teacher's orders, all my classmates begin to file out of the classroom. I join the line too, but I discreetly take my math test with me. I position myself at the end of the line of students and follow behind as we make our way towards the exit of the building. Suddenly, a hand pulls me into an empty classroom and I swallow a gasp of surprise. 

There, my eyes meet Izana's.

He extends his hand with a sly smirk. "Your test."

I can't believe he actually pulled the fire alarm to help me cheat.

I hand him my test, and he grabs a pen and places my test on a nearby desk to start completing it for me. I go to stand next to him and watch over his shoulder as he quickly solves one equation after another.

"You're really good," I comment quietly, impressed.

"I'm at the top of my class," he reveals, still filling out my test.


He pauses momentarily, shooting me a fleeting smirk over his shoulder. "Surprised?"

"Yeah," I admit. "I thought you spent more time making out with girls in the bathroom than you did studying."

"I do. Some people are just born smart."

I roll my eyes behind him. "Were you born so full of yourself too?"

A soft chuckle escapes him before he sets his pen down and pivots to face me, handing me my completed test. "I've left some mistakes, so you should have a B minus."


With my test in hand, I make my way back to the door, aware of Izana's gaze trailing me from behind.

"Hey, don't forget our deal, new girl," he reminds me as I open the door. Glancing back, I meet his eyes again. They're dark with a mixture of amusement and anticipation. "See you tonight at 10."

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