Part 2 - Chapter 24

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At the end of my training session with Izana and Rindou, I had texted Mitsuya to ask him if he could walk me home as it was already dark outside and, even armed with my new fighting skills, I just knew I'd never feel as safe as I did whenever I was with Mitsuya. But as the two of us neared my house, my heart skipped a beat when I caught sight of my mother through the kitchen window.


I caught Mitsuya's wrist and dragged him behind the hedgerow that separated my house from the neighbor's.

Mitsuya's brows drew together. "What's wrong?"

"My mom's here."

"I thought she was in Yokohama?"

"I thought so too."

About a year ago, my mother had been hired in a big tech company in Yokohama. Originally, I was supposed to move to that new city with her but I had begged her to let me finish my studies here in Tokyo. Her only condition? Mikey had to regularly spend the night at our house – it was what he was already doing anyway-, and he always had to be one call away in case I had a problem, which made sense considering the neighborhood I lived in had a pretty high crime rate.

For some reason, my mother trusted Mikey more than she trusted me, her own daughter. She had loved Mikey the second I had introduced him to her. Would she still like him if she knew about all the lying and cheating? Sadly, yes, she probably would.

"Aren't you happy she's back?" Mitsuya asked me, his eyes searching mine.

"No, I am but..." I nervously shifted my weight from one of my feet to the other. "I lied to her."

"About what?"

"She thinks Mikey and I are still together."

"Why didn't you tell her you broke up?"

I looked off to the side, my stomach twisting into a knot. "Because the only reason she lets me live here on my own and doesn't force me to move to Sri Lanka with her is because she thinks Mikey spends his nights at my house so he can make sure I'm safe. If she knows I'm single and sleeping alone in our house every night, she's going to take me with her to Yokohama."

I'm screwed, I'm screwed, I'm screwed-

Mitsuya laid one hand on my shoulder to pull me from my thoughts. That's when I realized that there was one ray of hope right in front of me.

"Unless..." An enigmatic smile tugged at my lips as I looked up to Mitsuya.

"What?" He asked.

"You could pretend to be my new boyfriend." I offered. Don't know why I hadn't thought of it before; No one is better boyfriend material than him. "It would just be for tonight, of course." I quickly added. "If my mom thinks you spend your nights here with me and she sees that you're a good, trustworthy person, then she won't force me to go with her. She'll probably be gone by tomorrow already anyway."

Mitsuya ran a thumb across his jaw as he thought my offer over. I tried to read his expression but didn't know if the way his body tensed was a good or bag sign.

"Okay." He finally agreed, his eyes meeting mine again.

"Thank you! You're the best!" I placed a quick kiss on his cheek before linking my arm through his and walking him to the front door. I placed my hand on the doorknob but paused to glance at Mitsuya, finding a faint blush on his cheeks.

"You okay?" I asked.

He slightly ducked his head, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, yeah."


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