Part 2 - Chapter 32

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When I woke up the next morning, Rindou was still sleeping. I battled the urge to caress his cheek and decided to leave his room as quietly as I could to avoid waking him up; he needed to rest as much as possible before the fight. 

I quietly rolled around but Ran's body was blocking my way. The older Haitani was laying on his back with one arm behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. It was probably one of the first times I saw him without his signature grin on his lips. He seemed preoccupied, but when he noticed I was awake, he smiled again as he stared down at me.

"You okay?" I asked him, my brows slightly furrowing.

"Yeah." He replied.

My brows scrunched up a little more. "You sure?"

"Aw, worried about me?" He teased, putting his second arm behind his head. His T-shirt lifted in the process, exposing the waistband of his boxers. If that was his attempt at distracting me, I'm ashamed to say that it worked, because my gaze dropped to his lower abdomen for a second. I quickly forced myself to look back up to his face, finding him staring down at me with a smirk and his right eyebrow raised.

Caught red-handed.

He chuckled under his breath as my entire face turned crimson, and I pulled the blanket over my face to hide from him. With one hand, he slowly pulled the blanket down, exposing my face to his amused stare again.

"Worry about yourself." He whispered, his smirk widening. "Rindou might choose to go easy on you today, but I won't."

I dropped my gaze to his chest and slowly nodded in understanding.

I had heard about the Haitanis' favorite fighting tactics. Ran enjoyed using his steel baton to defeat his opponents while Rindou loved to break their joints. I shuddered as I imagined how painful both of those methods must be for their victims which I might soon be a part of.

Ran grabbed my chin with one hand and tipped my face to his again.

"That doesn't mean I won't secretly be rooting for you." He said, and I exhaled a breath, the corner of my lips tipping up.

"Well," I swung one leg over his body and straddled his lap. Ran's eyes widened in surprise but he returned my gaze as I patted his chest with my palms twice. "Good luck to you then." I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and rose to my feet. I felt Ran's gaze follow me as I padded to the bedroom door. Once I reached it, I looked over my shoulder at Rindou who was still sound asleep. Then my gaze slid to Ran whose eyes were still on me. "Tell your brother that unless he wants to push me around in a wheelchair for our first date, he better not break my legs today, 'kay?"

Ran's gaze turned amused. He chuckled quietly as he rubbed a palm across his face, then he nodded. "Yeah, I'll tell him."


To my surprise, Takashi was pacing back and forth across my front porch when I arrived home. He was already dressed in his Toman uniform, his hands slipped into the pockets of the black pants. I frowned, not because I wasn't happy to find him there, but because Hina was the one supposed to meet me this morning to help me bandage my chest like she had the night before.


He turned around to face me as I climbed up the steps to my front porch.

"Where were you? And why weren't you answering your phone?" He asked, his stare sweeping me from head to toe as though my outfit would somehow reveal where I had spent the night.


Shit. It's not like I could tell him I had slept at Ran and Rindou's apartment. Not after he had specifically asked me to stop talking to them. So I lied. "I slept at Hina's."

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