Part 2 - Chapter 21

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Takemichi's pov (future)

Kisaki took Chifuyu, Y/N, and I to a part of the apartment complex he owned. We ended up settling in a big room filled with several pool tables and one bar. Y/N and I were sitting across from Kisaki at a small table while Chifuyu stayed standing behind Y/N's chair in a protective way, as if he was ready to intervene and protect her and I at any moment.

"We've known each other for quite a while now." Kisaki started as he poured whiskey in four glasses.

"Yeah, unfortunately." Y/N whispered under her breath.

Unaware of the comment she had just made, Kisaki continued. "I never thought everyone from back then would still be together today." My whole body stilled by reflex as he looked at each of us. "Takemichi. Chifuyu. Y/N." He paused, his expression turning solemn. "It was right around this time that Baji died twelve years ago."

My gaze dropped to Y/N's hands as she balled them into fists in her lap. I could also feel Chifuyu tense behind us.

"That was all my fault." Kisaki confessed.

I already knew that. Chifuyu already suspected it. But I'm not sure Y/N did.

"I'm the one who planned the Bloody Halloween." Kisaki continued, staring off into space. "I used Hanma to sweet-talk Kazutora and formed the organization called Valhalla. And then, I had them clash with Toman. All because I wanted power. If I stopped the fight, everyone would bow down to me. I was desperate but," He looked up, his eyes searching Y/N's and Chifuyu's as he tried to convince them. "I didn't think Baji was going to die, I really didn't. You have to believe me. It was all an accident."

I sneaked a sideways glance at Y/N, studying her side profile. She's not buying it.  And Chifuyu? I couldn't really read him, but I felt like he wanted to forget about it more than everything.

"I'm serious. I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry." Kisaki repeated. "I've been wanting to apologize all this time."

"So," Chifuyu hesitantly started, clearing his throat which had tightened with the emotion. "You regret what happened back then?"

Kisaki nodded, dropping his gaze to the floor. "There's not a single day that goes by that I don't think of it."

I stole another sideways glance at Y/N, finding her glaring at Kisaki. Nope, still not buying it.

"You can continue to hate me," Kisaki said, looking back up to us. "But we should at least tolerate each other. It's in Toman's interest." His gaze settled on Y/N as he put emphasis on the next words. "It's in Mikey's interest too."

That. That's the thing that seemed to crack the cold armor Y/N had put in front of herself since we had stepped inside this room. Her jaw ticked and her shoulders tensed, and when Kisaki pushed one alcohol glass towards her, one towards me, and one towards Chifuyu, she considered taking it.


She did drink it. Chifuyu and I also did while Kisaki took one sip of his own drink. The three of us watched Kisaki as he stood up and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows, his glass still in his hand.

"Can I just add something else?" He asked.

Something in the atmosphere shifted when he turned back to us, revealing the sickening grin that had spread across his face. I barely heard what he said next because my head started spinning, my vision blurring.

"When I said I didn't know Baji would die, I lied. I used Kazutora to kill Baji. And I'm about to finish what I started."


When I woke up, I was tied up to a chair, incapable of moving anything other than my head. Kisaki was standing in the middle of the room, speaking with one of his underlings. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up on his arms, and his knuckles were busted as if he'd just beaten someone up. I quickly found who his victim was when I looked to my left, finding Y/N and Chifuyu in the exact same position as me. 

Chifuyu's face was tipped forward, his eyes closed. His hair was matted to his bloodied face. The crimson liquid had spilled from his nose and multiple cuts on his cheeks. 

I watched Y/N as she struggled to wake up, the drugs having affected her maybe a little more than they had Chifuyu and I. A thin shean of sweat was covering her forehead as she finally managed to open her eyes.

"Kisaki, you fucking asshole." She rasped.

"Finally," He said, turning to Y/N and I. "You two woke up from your little nap."

Y/N looked to her right. Our gazes briefly met before her eyes settled on Chifuyu who was sitting right next to her.

"Chifuyu!" She shouted his name but Matsuno didn't react. He was probably passed out. "What did you fucking do to him?!" She screamed, her eyes shooting back to Kisaki.

"Oh, yeah. I might have gone a little too hard on him but he'll wake up soon." He mused, his lips curling up into a smirk. "I'll get rid of him after." He turned to Y/N, his smirk widening a little more. "Ladies first, right?"

He went to stand in front of her, his arms folded over his chest as he stared down at her. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. You've always bothered me. With Chifuyu you couldn't stop trying to get revenge for Baji Keisuke." He placed his hands on either armrest of the chair Y/N was sitting in and leaned down, slowly bringing his face closer to hers. "How long are you gonna chase after Baji's shadow, hmm?" He asked.

She raised her chin a little higher, not once taking her eyes off his. "Never."

Kisaki's jaw ticked. "I bet you're the one who tried to convince Hina to break up with me."

Y/N let out a small, bitter laugh under her breath. "Ever considered that the reason why Hina never fell in love with you was because you have a shitty fucking personality?"

In a split second, Kisaki had raised his hand in the air and slapped Y/N across her face, making her head turn towards me.

"Kisaki!" I screamed, shifting in my seat in a desperate attempt to intervene.

Slowly, Y/N turned her head back to Kisaki's. Once again, she defiantly held his gaze as he grabbed her chin tightly, his eyes falling to her lips.

"You have such a pretty mouth." With his thumb, he stroked her bottom lip. "Too bad you spew such bullshit with it."

One of Kisaki's underlings walked up to him to hand Kisaki a gun as he let go of Y/N's chin and leaned back up. Kisaki grabbed the gun and stared down at it as he made sure it was loaded.

"When he knows what you did to me, he's gonna come for you." Y/N spoke through gritted teeth.

Who's 'he'? Mikey? Mitsuya? Hanma? Or someone else??

"He'll never know it was me." Kisaki replied, then he went to stand in front of Y/N again. "Any last words?" He asked, pointing the gun to her forehead.

"Takemichi." She said my name softly, and I turned my head to hers, finding her looking at me as if we were the only ones in the room. Her lips curled up into a sad, nostalgic smile. "If you see him, tell him I love him, please." One tear spilled from her eyes, slowly running down her cheek. "God, I love him so, so much." She closed her eyes, her chin trembling.

I swallowed hard, then stuttered as I forced the word out of my mouth. "W-who?"

Her lips parted to answer me, but before she could utter anything, Kisaki shot her.

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