Part 3 - Chapter 2

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When I got home from work the next day, Mitsuya was cooking dinner in our kitchen. I went to stand behind him and hugged him, resting my head against his back.

"Hey, babe." He greeted me, covering my hands with his over his abdomen.

I hummed in response, a smile tugging at my lips. I couldn't remember the last time he had taken the time to have dinner with me.

Last night, after I realized our house had gotten broken into by 'my favorite brothers' - or at least by one of them- I spent hours checking every corner of the house to make sure they were gone. I also did some research. Turned out Ran and Rindou had been let out of jail a few months ago. I didn't tell Mitsuya about it though. He always complained about how stressed he was with all his work, so I didn't want to add to that.

"How was work today?" Mitsuya asked me, and I grunted, scowling. "I don't wanna talk about it."

Setting the spatula on the kitchen counter, he turned around to face me, forcing me to unwrap my arms from around his torso. He held my face between his hands, tipping it to his.

"Everything okay?"

My boss is a sexist asshole and two people you sent to jail five years ago broke into our house yesterday. Apart from that, yeah, everything's just fucking peachy. That's what I wanted to tell him. Instead I simply nodded, leaning into his touch. 

Then I pulled him in by his belt to kiss him. He immediately responded, moving his lips against my own. He hooked his hands under my thighs to lift me up and planted my ass on the marble kitchen island. I moaned into his mouth as he trailed his hands higher and higher, slowly sliding them under my skirt. Just as he was flicking a finger against my panties to tease me, his phone started ringing and we broke our kiss.

"Don't pick up." I panted against his lips, but he shot me an apologetic look. "It might be a client."

He stepped away from me to grab his phone which laid next to the stove. His back was to me as he picked up. "Hello?" He must have gotten no answer because he repeated, "Hello?" He waited a few more seconds before hanging up, tucking his phone in his pocket as he turned back to me.

He went to stand between my legs again and quickly took my mouth with his while threading his fingers through my hair. I had started to unbuckle his belt when his phone started ringing again.

He broke the kiss and gave me an apologetic again. "Sorry."

I sighed as he took his phone from his pocket and brought it to his ear. "Hello?" 

This time, he left his free hand on my thigh, tracing circles on my skin with his index. His touch raised goosebumps on its path, only increasing how much I was craving him.

After a few seconds of silence on the other end of the line, Mitsuya cursed under his breath as he hung up. "Fucking pranksters."

Our neighborhood did have a history of phone pranks committed by the teenagers in the area, but after what happened last night, I couldn't help but wonder if the pranksters might be 'my favorite brothers'.

Mitsuya pulled me in for another kiss by the back of my neck, and I wrapped my legs around his waist to press him flush against me. Right as he was sliding his hands under my skirt again, his phone rang for the third time, and he groaned as he picked up. "Listen to me, if you don't fucking stop-" He paused, his lips parting. "Oh... Hi, Yuzuha."

My stomach twisted into a knot. 

Yuzuha was the sister of Hakkai, an ex-member of Toman and one of our friends. She was the girl who had come up to Mitsuya to give him her number a few years ago, back when Mitsuya and I were just friends. Now Yuzuha worked as a manager for Hakkai who had become a model, but she had also offered her services to Mitsuya to help him gain popularity as an upcoming fashion designer. Which meant she spent a lot of time with Mitsuya at his work studio downtown.

It's not like I was jealous...

Ok, fine. I was jealous. Jealous that she got to spend more time with my boyfriend than I did. But I trusted Mitsuya.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." Mitsuya replied on the phone before hanging up. He tucked his phone back in his pocket. "I have to leave. The fabric for my new pieces has just been delivered." He explained, and I nodded, dropping my gaze down. "Sorry, baby." He whispered, kissing the top of my forehead.

I unwrapped my legs from around his waist and watched him as he grabbed his jacket and his set of keys. 

"I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." He told me before walking out the door, leaving me alone in our house.

I hopped off the counter and adjusted my skirt on my thighs as I turned off the stove. I wasn't in the mood to eat anymore.

Then I went into my bathroom upstairs. I got undressed and stepped in the shower where I let the warm water spill down my hair and body for a few minutes. Once I was done, I slipped into one of my sleep sets with a tank top and a pair of shorts. The contrast between the cool silk and my warm skin made me shudder. I was drying my wet hair with a towel when I entered my bedroom, but suddenly, I jerked to a halt, my heart tripping over itself. 

Ran was sitting on the edge of my bed, leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs, his head turned to me.  He had changed a lot. His hair was now short and slicked back. He was wearing a gray striped tailored suit and the same lazy grin he always sported in the past.

My first instinct was to turn on my heels to run for the stairs, but when I whirled around, someone was standing in the doorway, blocking my path. My eyes shot up to Rindou who was smirking down at me, his hands slipped into his suit pants pockets.

He had changed quite a bit too. His hair was now longer and styled in a mullet. He was wearing a teal striped tailored suit with a white shirt underneath. He was even more handsome than before.

"Going somewhere?" He taunted. 

I stumbled back. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?"

"Now, now." He tipped his head to the side, his smirk widening. "No need to be rude."

I tried to shove past him to run to the stairs, but he caught me in his arms and easily lifted me off the ground. I thrashed in his arms as he carried me over to his brother who was still sitting at the foot of my bed. Rindou put me down on Ran's lap, and Ran immediately wrapped his arms around me from behind, holding me against him tightly enough to make it impossible for me to leave. He set his chin on my shoulder while Rindou went to stand in front of us, slipping his hands into his suit pants pockets again. 

"We just want to talk."

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