Part 3 - Chapter 8

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By the time Mitsuya had closed the door behind him, Rindou and I had jumped off the couch. We exchanged a quick look, an understanding passing between us, then I quickly strode out of the living room. 

Mistuya was setting his keys on the bowl near the entrance when I entered the kitchen where I pretended like I had been waiting for him, leaning my back against the counter and crossing my arms over my chest.

He walked past the living room without noticing Rindou who was standing in the darkness at the back of the room, and he entered the open kitchen which was separated from the living room by a half-wall.

"Everything okay?" He asked, stepping up to me. "You said you wanted to talk." 

He cupped my cheek and leaned down to plant a kiss on my lips but I dodged, turning my head to the side.

Mitusya's brows furrowed as he pulled away. "What's wrong?"

My eyes briefly cut to Rindou who was watching us. I wondered what the hell was running through his head right now. If what he had said was true about Mitsuya and Yuzuha, I would break up with Mitsuya and he would get to witness it. There would be no discussion. I wouldn't try to understand why Mitsuya had cheated on me or rack my brain to try to find what I could have done to prevent it. I had already gone through that heartache once all those years ago with Mikey and I wouldn't waste my time like that ever again.

Slowly, I tore my eyes away from Rindou and turned my head to Mitsuya again. "I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be honest."

He immediately nodded. "You know you can ask me anything."

I inhaled, mustering the courage to ask the next question. "Are you cheating on me?"

His lips parted and his eyes widened. "What? Why would you-"

"Just answer the question." I interrupted him.

"No, of course I'm not!"

So... Rindou lied?

Mitsuya ran a hand through his hair, air pouring out of his nose. "How could you ever think I would cheat on you?"

"You're always gone!" I exploded, letting out all the frustration that had been building up for months. "You've been spending so much time at your work studio lately! You barely spend time me anymore and-"

"I was preparing."

"Preparing for what?!"

"Fuck." He sighed, running a palm across his mouth as he seemed to hesitate.  "I didn't want to do it like this but..."

Do what?

I stilled, not moving a single muscle as I watched him reach into the inside pocket of his large bomber jacket. He pulled out a small black velvet box and then looked back at me as he opened it, revealing a beautiful white gold ring.

An engagement ring.

My gaze switched from the ring to Mitsuya as he started speaking. "The only reason I spent so much time working lately was because I wanted to be able to buy you a beautiful ring. You've been supporting me financially for more than a year now and I can't thank you enough, but one day I'll be a famous fashion designer and I'll be able to give you everything you've always wanted and more. And it will be all thanks to you and all the support you've given me."

"Mitsuya." I closed my eyes for a split second, trying to push away the feeling of Rindou's gaze burning my skin from a distance.

He lied to me-

I popped my eyes open when there was rustling. My heart started pumping wildly in my chest when I saw that Mitsuya had just gotten down on one knee in front of me. I stared down at him, bringing my hand to my mouth which hung open in surprise.

"Y/N." He started, the corners of his lips curling up into a nervous smile. "The year we spent apart was the worst year of my life. I thought I'd lost my best friend and the girl I was in love with forever. So to think that you could believe I would ever cheat on you and risk losing you again, I... I could never. I still can't believe how lucky I am to wake up next to you every morning. I'm the luckiest man on earth. So," He paused, his chest heaving with a deep breath. "Will you marry me?"

My heart was pounding so hard and fast, I thought I might pass out. 

My eyes slowly drifted from Mitsuya to Rindou. 

His faced screwed up. His eyes closed.

He was witnessing what he had been willing to destroy a few minutes ago. Four years of love and more than nine years of friendship, this was what he had almost convinced me to throw away by lying to me about Mistuya and Yuzuha. And now he was going to have to watch me accept Mitsuya's proposal. The punishment fit the crime.

Looking back to Mitsuya, I slid my hand off my mouth and nodded, whispering. "Yes."

Mitsuya's lips spread wide and his eyes watered with tears of happiness. He blinked them away as I reached out my left hand so he could put the ring on my finger. As soon as the white gold band had found its rightful place on my ring finger, Mistuya rose to his feet and grasped my face in his hands, pressing his lips to mine. Our kiss tasted salty with his tears of joy. We broke the kiss to catch our breath and Mitsuya hugged me impossibly close to his body. 

At that moment, my eyes met Rindou's over Mitsuya's shoulder.

He had stepped out of the darkness of the living room and was now standing in the hallway. His face and body seemed frozen, but I knew the tempest that raged beneath his skin. The same raged beneath my own.

The look he gave me felt like the point of a blade digging through my heart, but he knew this was his fault: if he hadn't tried to make me believe Mitsuya was cheating on me, Mitsuya and I would have never had this discussion and he wouldn't have proposed to me in the middle of our kitchen one minute ago.

I swallowed through the sudden dryness in my throat and squeezed my eyes shut, grabbing the hair at Mitsuya's nape and holding on to him like my life depended on it. If I let go, my body might betray me and my feet might bring me to Rindou.

A few seconds later, as Mitsuya pulled away from me to press his lips to mine again, I slowly opened my eyes. 

Rindou wasn't there anymore. I heard the tiniest click as he closed the front door behind him.

When Mitsuya and I kissed, tears mixed with our kiss again. But this time, the tears weren't Mitsuya's. They were mine.

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