Part 3 - Chapter 1

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Author's note: First of all, I want to say a quick thank you for your support for this third part of the story. This part will take place in the timeline where Bonten rules over Tokyo, but like for the other parts of this story, I might change things about the plot. Enjoy!

5 years after the fight between Toman and Tenjiku

God, I couldn't wait to get out of work and go home to take a bath. Preferably with Mitsuya.

"Can you come here for a second, sweetheart?"

I grit my teeth at the nickname, but mustering a professional smile, I strolled into my boss's office and stopped in front of his desk.


He looked up from the contract he was reading, signing the pages here and there with the pen in his right hand.

"Potential investors are coming in two days to discuss some projects with me." He informed me while his gaze roamed my lips, cleavage, hips and thighs,... His gaze was rarely planted anywhere near my eyes whenever he addressed me.

I wrote the meeting down on my agenda although I really doubted I'd forget it; it just gave me an opportunity to not see his stupid face for a few seconds.

My boss was a 35 year-old bachelor with blue eyes and dark hair. He had inherited the marketing company from his parents a few years ago. He was the type of man who had never had to work to have anything he desired in life, and it was obvious in everything he did, every interaction he had. He had hired me as his personal assistant five months ago. And now, it had been four months and 30 days since I regretted my decision to accept the job. I would have quit if Mitsuya and I didn't need the money.

"Noted." I replied, looking back up at him. "Anything else?"

One time, I had asked him 'Anything else I can do for you? ', but the lustful look he had given me in return had stayed imprinted on my mind ever since. I kept myself from shuddering in disgust any time the memory resurfaced. I wouldn't make the mistake twice.

"No, that's all." He replied.

I couldn't walk out his office fast enough. Once the door was closed behind me, I let out a breath I had been holding. I turned my computer off, cleaned up my desk, and then grabbed my purse before heading to the elevator.

In the lobby of the building, I walked past Erika who was the secretary sitting at the front desk of our company. She was one of my colleagues and friends, and a ray of sunshine for anyone who walked in.

"Heading out?" She asked me, smiling like she always was.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." I waved at her, but she called out to me. "Wait up !"

I turned on my heels to face her. She disappeared behind her desk for a second as she bent down to pick something up, and I walked up to her desk just as she leaned back up with a big bouquet of purple flowers in her hands.

I pointed my index at my chest, my eyes switching between Erika and the bouquet. "It's for me?"

"Yes." She grinned excitedly as she handed the bouquet to me.

I stared down at it with an incredulous on my face, blinking several times.

Mitsuya had been so absent lately. He often worked late and was always gone early in the morning. His dream to become a fashion designer was finally starting to become a reality. More and more people were starting to hear about him and the clothes he designed, but he didn't have a stable income yet. Which meant I was the main breadwinner. I had been for a year now, since him and I had moved in together. I didn't mind. I believed in his dreams and wanted to support him. I just wished he would sometimes pay a little more attention to me.

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