Part 3 - Chapter 5

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In the ascending elevator, I couldn't stop nervously shifting my weight from one foot to the other. Rindou's insinuations about Mitsuya and Yuzuha's relationship had disturbed me more than I'd ever admit.

Heaving an exasperated sigh, I took my phone and typed a text to my boyfriend.

From me to Mitsuya – Come home early tonight

Then I typed the four words everyone dreads.

From me to Mitsuya -We need to talk

My boss called me in his office as soon I came back from the lobby. I stood in front of his desk while I waited for him to address me.

"You're going to work for them." He finally said, his eyes still riveted to the papers in his hands.

My brows knitted together. 

"I'm sorry?" I asked, unsure what he meant and who he was referring to.

"Sanzu Haruchiyo, and Ran and Rindou Haitani. Apparently, their boss wants you on their project." He continued, unaware of the way my lips had just parted in surprise as he was still staring down at his papers. "They're renovating a building and want to turn it into a business."

That's why they were here? Because they wanted to hire me? And who's their boss?

"Well," I rubbed the back of my neck. "I don't think I can't help them with that. I mean, I already work full-time as your assistant and-"

"I already accepted." He cut me off. "They said they'd send a car for you this afternoon, so be ready to leave at 2."

His tone was final, and all I could do was stare at him in shock, my body frozen.

"That's all." He dismissed me with a hand gesture, and I slowly turned to walk to the door, my mouth still hanging slightly open in surprise.


The bell jingled as I pushed the door to the store open. Chifuyu was sitting behind the counter at the back of the pet shop, resting his cheek in his palm as he read a magazine. Two years ago, he had bought this small building, and I had helped him turn it into a welcoming store. Now him and Kazutora were running it together.

Hanemiya wore an apron and had tied his hair up as he tended to the animals in the cages. Hamsters, rabbits, dogs, and cats. Lots and lots of cats. Basically Baji's paradise. He would have loved this place.

Since the shop was only 5 minutes away from the company I worked at, Chifuyu and I often met during the day to chat or eat together. Today, I had stopped by a coffee shop before coming here. Chifuyu looked up from his magazine as I placed a cappuccino in front of him.

"Hi." He smiled at me.

"Hi." I greeted him back before taking a sip from my black coffee. God knows I'll need the caffeine if I'm going to spend the whole afternoon with Rindou, Ran and Sanzu.

Leaning into the counter, I turned my head to the side and watched Kazutora as he eyed a group of teenage girls who were giggling and whispering about him.

"What are you looking at?" He bit out, making the girls' smiles fall from their flushed faces.

"Wow." I snorted, turning back to Chifuyu who had also witnessed the scene. "He must bring in a lot of costumers." I commented sarcastically.

"He does, actually." Chifuyu replied. I cocked an eyebrow in surprise to which he shrugged his shoulders. "He's hot. And sadly, being hot trumps being rude."

I chuckled as I brought my gaze to Kazutora again. 

He had changed a lot since he had gotten out of jail. At first, I didn't want anything to do with him. I kept my distance as mush as possible, but we would meet every time I visited Baji's grave. He was always there, staring at the tombstone with unblinking eyes. Honestly, he creeped me out. But I also pitied him. Guilt seemed to be eating him up, and although I would never be able to completely forgive him for what he did, Chifuyu had convinced me that Baji would have wanted us to give Kazutora a second chance. 

"Why the fuck would I give you my number?" He asked another high school girl who had gathered the courage to approach him. She scurried out of the store with her friends, and I looked to Chifuyu again, biting the inside of my cheek to hide my amusement.

He sighed, shaking his head and turning the page of his magazine. "He's trying."

Reaching into my purse, I took the sheet of paper I had quickly drawn a copy of Ran and Rindou's neck tattoos on.

"Hey, can you take a look at these?" I asked Chifuyu, sliding the sheet towards him on the counter.

His gaze switched from his magazine to my drawings.

"Does that remind you of something?" I asked him, studying his face for a reaction.

His green eyes widened and darted up to me."Izana's earrings."

The two words had barely left his mouth that an image of Izana and the earrings he was wearing the day of the fight between Toman and Tenjiku flashed through my mind. My heartbeat stuttered as I dropped my gaze to the rectangular shapes again. "You're right..."

As the bell of the shop jingled, I was pulled from my memories. I glanced at the clock on the wall which indicated it was already 1:50. My boss had told me that Ran, Rindou and Sanzu would send a car to pick me up at 2. I tucked the sheet of paper back in my purse and took a step towards the door, but then I paused, a feeling of apprehension pooling in my stomach. Slowly, I turned to Chifuyu again.

"Do you think..." I folded my bottom lip between my teeth as I hesitated. "Do you think it's possible that Izana is still alive?"

"No." He replied without hesitation. "I mean, he got shot. Twice."

"But Kakucho got shot too and he survived."

"Yeah, but didn't Mikey tell you Izana was dead?"

I sighed, nodding. "He did."

"Why would he have lied about that?" Chifuyu asked.

Well, it wouldn't have been the first time Mikey had lied to me...

And if Izana isn't their boss, then who is?

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